- Myron H. Phelps. Bahaism and Its Claims
- Samuel G. Wilson, M.A., P.P. Baha'i Faith and Its Claims
- Bahaism: The Religion of Brotherhood and Its
Place in the Evolution of Creeds (Francis Henry Skrine)
- Myron H. Phelps. Life and Teachings of Abbas
- Unknown. The Golden Rule
- Wikipedia. Balīnās or Abūlūniyūs
- August J. Stenstrand. A Call of Attention to the Behaists or
Babists of America
- J.E. Esslemont. Baháʾuʾlláh and the New Era
- Shaikh Sayyid Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki al-Makki. The Ash'ari School
- Anonymous. Who are the Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l Jama'ah? (Ash'ari)
- Abu Bakr. Leaving the Ahmadiyya Jamaat
- Anonymous. Mormon, to Bahá'í, to Ahmadi
- Dictionary. Persian Definition of Hāhūt
- Hazrat Inayat Khan. Recollections of ʿAbduʾl-Bahá
- Browne, E.G. Materials for the Study of the
Bábí Religion
- Browne, E.G. A Year Amongst the Persians
- Catafago, Joseph. An English and Arabic Dictionary:
- Cobb, Stanwood. Aysesha of the Bosphorus
- Wikipedia. The Badīʿ
- Thomas Kelly Cheyne. The Reconciliation of Races and Religions
- Radpour Mary K. The Authenticity Project (file 1)
- Radpour Mary K. The Authenticity Project (file 2)
- Cobb, Stanwood. The Essential Mysticism
- Cobb, Stanwood. Islamic Contributions to Civilization
- Cobb, Stanwood. Memories of ʿAbduʾl-Bahá
- Savi, Julio. The Eternal Quest for God