The League to Fight Neurelitism
Official Proclamation
United We Serve

For Immediate Release [first published on June 21, 2009]

The The League to Fight Neurelitism, a public sociology and an advocacy journalism project, supports a consistent application of United Nations values regarding human rights and social justice to all Autistics.

United States President Barak Obama has designated the period June 22 through September 11, 2009, as United We Serve. Administered by the Corporation for National Service, it is, in the president's words, a "summer service initiative."

As explained on the United We Serve website:

The national service movement will continue long after September 11, 2009. This summer, we are laying the foundation for a sustained, collaborative and focused effort to promote service as a way of life for all Americans. President Obama is asking us to make an initial service commitment from June 22 to September 11. After the culmination of our 81 days of service, we will renew our commitment and continue our work.

The League to Fight Neurelitism wholeheartedly endorses the president's service initiative. We have also registered our own project:

Description: The League to Fight Neurelitism, a single-person initiative, is seeking Autistic self-advocates who would be interested in helping to develop the Fight Neurelitism Forum (through The site is already set up. What is needed are people to promote it, make postings, and respond to questions.

Tasks for Volunteers: Aside from being on the Autistic spectrum, you should be a reasonably good writer.

You may, if you like, sign up for our project on this page of the United We Serve site. If not, we would encourage you to either volunteer for another project or develop your own. Several toolkits are provided to assist you in the developmental process.

Respectfully submitted,

Mark A. Foster, Ph.D.
Founding Director,
The League to Fight Neurelitism
