For Immediate Release [first published on May 21, 2009] The League to Fight Neurelitism, as a nonpartisan public sociology and advocacy journalism project, supports the application of United Nations values concerning human rights and social justice to all members of the Autistic community. UN Public Service Day is described in these words on the United Nations Public Administration website: The UN General Assembly, in its Resolution 57/277, designated 23 June as Public Service Day (A/RES/57/277). The UN Public Service Day intends to celebrate the value and virtue of public service to the community; highlight the contribution of public service in the development process; recognize the work of public servants, and encourage young people to pursue careers in the public sector. Since the first Awards Ceremony in 2003, the United Nations has received an increasing number of submissions from all around the world. The Autistic self-advocacy community has been characterized by a history of activist public service for all Autists. Members of this community have also collaborated with other disabled populations. In this light, and with our confidence that such public service will continue and expand, we officially proclaim the twenty-third day of June, 2009, and each subsequent twenty-third day of June, as UN Public Service Day. The League to Fight Neurelitism hopes that, in drawing attention to this annual commemoration, even more Autists, and other disabled persons, may be inspired to engage in public service and activism themselves.
Respectfully submitted,
Mark A. Foster, Ph.D. -30- |