The League to Fight Neurelitism
Position Statement on Conflict Resolution

For Immediate Release [first published on December 30, 2008]

Committed to United Nations values and ideals of human rights and social justice, The League to Fight Neurelitism, a public sociological autistic advocacy and activist project, celebrates the significant work performed by various agencies and institutes to study and apply the methods of conflict resolution. At this moment in history, these avenues of service have become most timely and vital.

Although many sociologists and other social scientists have made worthwhile contributions to the field of conflict resolution, there are other important spheres of influence upon which the field of sociology can impact constructively. As a self-advocacy venture, the League to Fight Neurelitism defends the civil and other human rights of autistics and, in so doing, works in collaboration with other organizations. The League director is on the board of the Autism Society of the Heartland and is attempting to establish a regional chapter of the Autistic Self Advocacy Network.

As a case in point, the autistic self-advocacy, or pro-neurodiversity, community has retained, in recent years, an antithetical, often antagonistic, relationship with some largely parent-led groups. Since the League’s primary function involves advocacy, not conflict resolution, it is not our purpose, in the manner we have defined it, to ameliorate these tensions, or to strive to resolve particular areas of dissent, but to support and promote the neurodiversity position and the social model of disability.

Respectfully submitted,

Mark A. Foster, Ph.D.
Founding Director,
The League to Fight Neurelitism
