Translated by Khazeh Fananapazir
in July, 2003 at the request of the Bahá’í
Academics Resource Library and an individual believer;
Web edition prepared by Mehdi Wolf, July, 2003
by permission of the translator.

(Tablet to Sháh-Muhammad-Amín)


Trans. Khazeh Fananapazir



(Tablet to Sháh-Muhammad-Amín)


Trans. Khazeh Fananapazir

   T o the one who hath fixed his gaze upon the Countenance of God, the Most Glorious - his honour Varqá, upon him be the Glory of God, the Lord of the throne above[4] and the earth below!

   In the Name of our Lord the Most Holy, the Most Great, the Exalted, the Most Glorious, Who illuminated the world of humanity by the sun of firmament of His Knowledge, and Who adorned the heaven of wisdom with the stars of discernment and sight!

   As to your question of the One True God - glorified be His bounteousness - concerning the martyrs of Miyan Duáb, these luminous words were revealed from the Heaven of His Will:

   The Praise that is sanctified from human mention and hearing belongeth to the Lord of all Names! Call to remembrance those souls who have turned their faces to My all-glorious horizon, have to hearkened My sweet call, have held firmly unto the Sure Handle, clung to the hem of My luminous garment, have turned their faces to My Countenance which remaineth when all other things vanish into nothingness, who have taken their flight in the atmosphere of the love of their Lord, the Possessor of all Names, and who have quaffed the wine of His decree from the Crimson Cup and say unto them:

   Great is your blessedness for ye did attain the all-highest purpose, the supreme station, and the sublime grades. Blessed indeed are ye and sweet is thy recompense inasmuch as the Beloved of the World, the Most Great Name, is mentioning you in such a manner that, through it, every true seeker will recognize the fragrance of My Garment, and every one endowed with the true sense of smell will attain the musk of My Name, the All-Merciful, the Most Compassionate.

   I bear witness that ye have truly recognized God in the Days in which all things, and beyond all things, the Supreme Concourse, have lamented because of that which hath befallen those souls who took strong hold of God’s Book and offered up their all in this Straight Path. Rejoice ye in the Supreme Horizon, inasmuch as the Lord of all men mentioneth you in this Prison which hath been named many names and which is designated the Most Great Prison in the Book of God, the Almighty, the All-Praised.

   In truth, your blood that was mixed with the love God hath been shed, your spirits, which were fragrant with the breezes of God’s Days, have ascended, and your bodies have lain on the ground -- bodies which were adorned with the ornament of martyrdom in the path of this Cause for which those near unto God and the sincere ones gave their all and their entire being. In this wise hath the Tongue of Grandeur spoken in thy memory and thy praise. Verily, He is the Forgiving, the Most Generous!

   The light that shineth from the heaven of the mercy of the All-Merciful God rest upon you, O ye who art the manifestations of His names in existence and the dawning-places of His recognition amongst the religions! Ye are indeed the ones who were prevented not by any one or by the cavilling of the unbelievers. Ye heard and hastened to that station ordained by the Pen of God[5], the Single, the All-Knowing. Great be your blessedness and joy and the blessedness of those who bring you to remembrance, who visit you and recall the Visitation which the Tongue of this Wronged One of the world hath uttered as all sorrow hath encompassed Him -- sorrows brought about by those who have denied the right of God and the rights of His Friends and who have turned away from a Countenance that hath shone from the horizon of His Revelation with perspicuous light.

   And We make mention of Amín [whom We have mentioned before in Our perspicuous Book[6]]. In truth, he preceded most of the peoples in the service of God and the service of His revelation and he hath attained unto that loving providence of which no one except the Omniscient, the All-Knowing is aware. We were with him as his spirit ascended unto the Great Beyond. We gave him drink from the most pure Kawthar[7] time and again and the mercy of His Lord didst surround him to such an extent that all pens are powerless to describe it. Unto this doth testify He that hath spoken and speaketh now and always: There is none other God but Him, the Almighty, the Most Beauteous One!

   O Amín! Thou art a Letter of My Crimson Scroll and thou art a remembrance from this Book which speaketh the truth. And We make mention of His lovers - those who visit Him, those of the Supreme Concourse, and those who have prostrated themselves before the face of their Lord, the Master of this wondrous New Day.[8] Blessed is the one that continueth in his remembrance of thee and who seeketh through thee to get nigh unto God, the Lord of all the worlds.
