Posted to the Tarjuman Listserve
by Khazeh
Fananapazir in early December, 2001;
Web edition prepared by Mehdi Wolf,
December 2001 and
December, 2002
by permission of the translator.
Núrániyyat-i-Haqíqat Insániyyah
(“On the Radiance of the
Innermost Reality of Man”)
A Provisional Translation
Selections from the Writings of Abdul-Bahá,
Vol. 2, Section 73.
Trans. Khazeh Fananapazir
O ye friends of Abdul-Bahá![1]
Although some time is gone since, with pen and ink, I have corresponded with
you, yet, in the world of spirit and the heart, at all times I am in communion
with those friends of the Abhá Beauty. I have not forgotten them for a
moment and I have not rested for the duration of a single breath. With
the utmost supplication and imploring, I have prayed that those friends of
the All Merciful God may be protected from the ailment of body and soul in
all conditions and circumstances, and that they may be confirmed to
demonstrate by their deeds and words that these wronged ones are enamoured
of the Abhá Beauty and attracted to the fragrances of holiness wafting from
the Concourse on High, proving thereby that their utterance, their
expositions, their characteristics and conduct, their virtues and
perfections are all emanations of the Light of Immortality and the
effulgences of the Most Great Name. My point is that the inner reality of
man must, like unto a mirror, radiate light shone upon it by the rays of the
Sun of Truth. Otherwise, the human reality is as a black stone and is
darkness upon darkness. Now the rays of the Sun of Truth are divine
recognition, belief, certitude, assurance, attraction, attraction,
enkindlement, and persistence in spreading the divine fragrances.
O ye servants of God! These days will fast elapse. Sovereigns and vassals both will be forgotten. There will be no trace, no sign, no leaf, and no result
remaining of them. All will be the manifestations of the blessed verse,
&38220;Hath there not been over Man a long period of Time when he was nothing-- (not
even) mentioned?”[2] except for those servants who were utterly wary of self and desire and became the dawning place of the lights of guidance, the focal point of the divine mysteries, and the leading lights of the righteous ones. These are
resplendent like a brilliant star shining over the horizon of truth until
eternity. Strive ye therefore that ye may drink of the wine of utmost
constancy and with great strength may withstand the heedless ones and if all
the peoples of the world should unite against you be not afraid or weak and
rely on the hosts of the Kingdom of God. Do not seek the comfort of a few
transient days; rather look at the end of all things. Consider in whose deeds
and conduct resides praiseworthy consequences? This meditation will teach us
lessons and lead us to the truth of the matter.
O my God! O my God! These souls are thy servants, humble before Thy gate,
indigent in thy presence, feeble before Thy face; ordain for them all good
and protect them from all harm. Enable them to become the protectors of thy
impregnable stronghold and shepherds of thy flock in those regions and
capable of hurling the darts of thy authority against the breakers of thy
covenant with the power of thy sovereignty and clear proofs so that they may
rise with the utmost strength to raise Thy word in that far distant country.
O my Lord! These souls are like unto weak birds; make them to become eagles,
soaring in the heights of Thy bounty, and falcons of grace and integrity and
protect them from the oppressor. Thou art verily the Omnipotent, the
Bounteous One. Verily, Thou art the Mighty, the Help in peril, the Exalted!
[1] The intended recipients of this Tablet by Abdul-Bahá, and the approxiamate year, are, at present, unknown (MWs note).
[2] See Qurán 76: 1 (KFs note).