Translation first completed, December, 1997;
Revised and posted to a private E-mail list by
Khazeh Fananapazir in March of 2001;
Web edition formatted, footnoted, proofread and prepared
by Mehdi Wolf, July, 2002
dar ‘Ahd wa
(Episodes in the History of the
Message revealed by the Guardian
To the Bahá’ís of ‘Irán
Concerning the Incorruptibility of the Covenant
(December, 1937)
Translated by the servant
Khazeh Fananapazir
December 2nd, 1997.
Modified Naw-Rúz, 2001.
To the friends of the Ancient Beauty, the compatriots of the Greatest
in the sacred country of ’Irán - May they study this
O ye tested ones! O ye seeking to draw nigh unto [God]! May my being and
what my Lord hath vouchsafed unto me be a sacrifice unto thee and to thy
steadfastness! I swear by the righteousness of God! The Abhá Beauty, with
the denizens of the sacred chambers in the All-Highest paradise on His right
hand, and the sanctified angels and cherubim from the most glorious retreats on
His left, send thee greetings, praise thy deeds and actions, and glory in thy
steadfastness, the immensity of thy love and the greatness of thy loyalty to
this most awesome, most transcendent Cause! O friends! Do ye not hear the
acclamation of the Concourse on High and, above them, the King of Grandeur and
majesty beyond the All-Glorious tabernacle, calling to thee in these
words:[2] “O
concourse of My loved ones and trusted ones! Ye are the chosen in My land! Ye
are the inheritors of My Kingdom! Ye are the protectors of My Cause. Ye are
steadfast on My Path. Ye seek to unravel My mysteries. Ye seek to spread abroad
My Law, and to unfurl my banner. Ye proclaim the glad tidings of My sanctified
and all-pervasive sovereignty, which is still hidden from the eyes of mankind.
“Upon thee, O my loved ones, be My gracious greetings and My
loving providence and a myriad salutations and praise, for thou hast been
steadfast in My Covenant, have laid firm hold of My Sure
Handle,[3] dispersed
the ranks of mine enemies, wert utterly detached of any one save Me and because
ye went forward, accepting with thy bodies and thy spirits the arrows of My
tribulations and decree. Thou hast cast away the covering veil from off the
countenance of My Cause. Thou art raising up the edifices to My glory and to My
Might; ye are implementing the provisions of My Book and are expounding the
hidden mysteries of My
At all times, ye have sought assistance in My Name, the All-Subduing, the
Omnipotent, the All-Effulgent, the Transcendent and the Peerless.
“O ye candles of My love in My realm! O ye the banners of My
glory and victory in My lands! Be ye truly steadfast in My
Cause,[5] for I am
truly powerful when I lay hold in divine
punishment[6] and I am
strong in
retribution.[7] I shall
aid thee as I aided thee in the past. Verily, I shalt fulfil thy aspirations by
virtue of Mine omnipotence, which penetrateth all throughout the earth. Behold!
The dawn of victory hath appeared. Be patient, as I am
O ye assisters of the Cause of
God![9] The Centre of
Covenant-breaking, the Pivot of dissension, after a period of forty years,
during which time, he had lain in a corner in his nethermost state of
humiliation, having witnessed, in forty territories, the lights of divine
eventually, with an empty hand and with a heart full of sighs, returned unto his
abode, disappointed, in perdition, and in a sorry
state.[11] The Great
Branch was transformed into the Greater Firewood. One can see him in the
region;[12] the rod
of divine
chastisement[13] and
wrath, as wielded by the All-Subduing Avenger, hath laid hold of him. This is
what our Master had warned openly and privily. Exalted indeed are the promises
contained in His truth-bearing, holy and wondrous utterances! He, as the Ancient
Beauty - glorified be His Greatest Name - hath said,
“If but a moment he turneth away, he shalt become utterly
hath now, outwardly, become non-being. It hath now gone unto the depths of the
earth.[15] Where now
is he and his conspiratorial adjutants, his falsifying Ambassadors, his lying
trustees, his tremulous followers, who were wont to travel in the lands many a
year, who sought in vain to extinguish the light of God with the breathings of
their mouths[16] and
who purposed to attack the sanctity of God’s covenant with their ingrained
hatreds and malice? What evil they did conceive! What atrociousness they
perpetrated! Their efforts were brought to nought. Their company was dispersed.
Their aspirations met with utter despondency. Their foundations have been
destroyed. None have they to aid
them.[17] God’s
decree came upon them and made them join those who are lost. Even their mention
will become non-existent, and their traces will vanish. Ye shalt hear no voice,
nor any whisper of them. God will make them utterly forgotten.
O ye steadfast lovers of the Ancient Beauty! Ponder awhile. Reflect
deeply on the evidences of divine ascendancy and the penetrating power of His
might, which is most extraordinary and amazing. Consider most profoundly the
events and the vicissitudes of this Great Cause. Recall its past events and
stages. What great difficulties came to pass since its inception from the
horizon of that
land,[18] full of
turmoil and tribulation! What violent assaults, what forceful attacks, were
perpetrated against its beauteous Body by friend and foe! From the beginning of
the Divine Theophany in the year
sixty[19] until our
day, this incomparable Plant, which the Hand of Divine Power hath planted in the
garden of the World, hath been encompassed by such troubles, been beaten upon by
such storms, and assaulted by such whirlwinds, that their like is unheard of and
unrecorded in any history whatever. In the beginning, the wicked divines
unfurled the banner of the most great animosity, misled the unjust and ignorant
nation and motivated the masses to perform infinite assaults and aggressions
against the Faith of God. From another corner, the pillars of the oppressive
government unleashed the hand of pillage against it, and inflicted upon the
sacred realities and institutions of the Wronged One great injuries. That
government suspended the sinless and holy Body of Its Herald in the
air,[21] and with the
bullets of hatred and rancour, lacerated His luminous breast and caused twenty
thousand of His followers to drink the chalice of martyrdom. In yet another
part, the Ottoman
the pivot of the Khaliphate, joined forces with the earlier most
inveterate enemy,[23]
and imprisoned the Divine Lawgiver. They banished Him from land to land until,
eventually, He was exiled to the “most desolate
city.”[24] For
forty years, they made
Him[25] drink the
poison of every tribulation. In ’Iráq, in Constantinople, in the
Land of Mystery[26]
and in the Most Great
Prison,[27] such
wrong and oppression was permitted against Him, that the like of it hath not
been seen by the eye of creation or heard by the ear of all the nations. The
heads of government and the masses of the people aided each other, and, for
ninety years, in its homeland, in neighbouring territories and here in the Holy
Land, with all their power, girded up their loins to extinguish this light, to
disperse this assemblage, destroy this divine Foundation and belittle and cast
aspersion on this Sacred Name. They never rested until the lightning of Wrath
took them and the winds of perdition came upon them. They fell and were hurled
from the heights of glory and power to the nether reaches of humiliation and
degradation.[28] The
hands of the divines, in the words of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’,
the Centre of the Covenant of the Self-Subsisting and Living God, lost their
authority and their degradation became apparent. In His own words: “This
glory shall be turned into the most abject abasement, and this pomp and might
converted into the most complete subjugation. Their palaces will be transformed
into prisons, and the course of their ascendant star terminate in the depths of
the pit. Laughter and merriment will vanish, nay more, the voice of their
weeping will be
The Qájár dynasty was uprooted. Its chain of succession was
broken.[30] Its star
set forever.[31] The
monarch,[32] who
suspended the Most pure, the Most sinless Temple of Divine
Meekness[33] and who
directed bullets of hatred against His Holy Chest, was hurled to the nethermost
abyss,[34] and his
family and grandchildren are scattered all over the world. The evil
’Abdu’l-Hamíd, who
afflicted the Wronged One and His Glorious Branch in the Greatest Prison with
all manner of troubles - he himself was ensnared in turmoil and was dethroned,
jailed and
extinguished.[35] In
a short time, the foundations of the Ottoman
Empire[36] were
shaken[37] and the
terminated.[38] The
Sultánate became a
Republic.[39] Ancient
glory changed into palpable dishonour. Our God, the All-Glorious Lord spoke in
truth. May His utterance remain exalted, He saith: “O concourse of
divines! Because of you the people were abased, and the banner of Islám
was hauled down, and its mighty throne
O ye loved ones of His Holiness ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’!
The collapse of the mighty Khaliphate, the destruction of the foundations
of the Sultánate, the abrogation of
the Islámic
Laws,[41] the
abolishment of the Shari’at courts in
the separation of state from religion in Turkey, the humiliation of the
divines[43] of the
Faith of the Prophet, the Chief of the Apostles of God - upon His Self be a
myriad salutations and praise! - and all that will come to pass in the future
in the neighbouring lands upon the wicked divines, whether pertaining unto the
Shí’íh or Sunní sects - all of the above are
the direct spiritual consequences of the conspicuous injustices perpetrated by
those twin perfidious monarchs, who were the supporters of the divines in those
twin countries. In the Súrih revealed for
Amín[44] these
exalted words have
“O concourse of Islám! Verily,
Muhammad, the Apostle of God, wept sore by
reason of your wrong doings, for ye followed your vain desires and turned away
from sure
guidance.[46] Ere
long, ye will see the consequences of your deeds. For my Lord is as a Guardian
on a
O Concourse of Bahá! Consider and reflect! The
enemies[48] of the
Cause of Jesus Christ - May my spirit be a sacrifice to the wrongs He suffered!
- who were the primary instigators and the real cause of the martyrdom of that
Sinless Soul, although they acted against Christ, that Peerless Beauty, for only
a limited number of days and encircled and captured Him, yet with what a
humiliation those enemies were
afflicted![49] The
Emperor of Rome[50]
embarked on an attack against these enemies and turned the glorious House of
Worship of that Faith, the exalted
Temple,[51] to dust!
Jerusalem was utterly destroyed and the poor nation was to endure a scattering
throughout the
earth.[52] It is well
nigh two thousand years that the Israelites, as a consequence of this enormous
injustice,[53] have
been writhing with great sufferings, and have been spread throughout [the
earth].[54] Yet now,
in this all-glorious
century,[55] this
gracious Dispensation, the scroll of their humiliation is at an end, and their
requital is completed. As a result of the overshadowing beneficence of the
Divine Teachings, the ancient glories will be restored unto
them.[56] Again,
ponder with discernment: although the enemies of Christ were engaged only a mere
few years in opposition and antagonism, yet they were afflicted with such a
great degradation for twenty centuries! Howbeit, in this Supreme Theophany and
Most excellent religious cycle, which is the glory of all past ages and
centuries, what will be visited upon its enemies, who, for seventy years, have
inflicted such unheard of sufferings upon the Blessed Beauty, His Herald, and
His Most Great, Most Honoured Branch. What retribution will befall them in the
realm of the visible! My pen truly trembles at its attempt to even refer to what
shall befall the oppressors! My heart truly cries over them for their
degradations, their sufferings and all that will transpire in this transcendent,
this luminous, this Great Dispensation!
Let me resume my
theme.[57] In truth,
the Divines, the rulers and the kings, each according to their part, attacked
the Faith of the Wronged One of the World from all sides. They endeavoured
mightily to shed the blood of the meek ones of the earth through murder and the
banishment and exile of the Founders of this clearly Divine Cause. But, it
should be evident that these assaults and attacks, though ferocious and violent
in their own right, what transpired within the Community of the followers of the
One God, as a result of the deeds of those who claimed adherence and affection
unto it, and even by persons related unto the Holy Tree, who had branched forth
from the Sacred Plant, were many times and many categories greater and more
virulent when compared to the assaults emanating from outside the Faith from the
external foes who held the reins of power. A person related to the Divine Tree,
honoured with being a brother of the Supreme Manifestation of
God,[58] whose
mention was recorded in many a communication from the Pen of the Point of the
Bayán[59] -
May the spirit of all beings be a sacrifice unto His true lovers! - he, who was
a Mirror of the Bábí Dispensation, who was to obtain a faint
glimmer of the Splendour of Sinai, whose care was entrusted, by the decree of
the Báb, to the Ancient Beauty, Bahá’u’lláh -
May the spirits of all those near unto God be a sacrifice to His Sovereignty! -
and who, for a certain number of years, was, at the behest of the Life-Giver of
the world, a person for the Bábís to turn to and to refer to -
such a person denied and waxed proud. He arose to oppose. He did such wrongs and
inflicted such cruelty that no pen is able to depict them and no paper can bear
their narration! He perpetrated such an assault, and he caused the drinking of
such a poison that no eye hath witnessed it, nor no ear hath heard. In
Adrianople, he caused such a great convulsion and tumult that he was able to
shake the faith of a number [of believers] and cause them to wander lost. He was
able to cheer up the inveterate enemies, and to give hope to the sect of
The Concourse on High shed tears of
blood[61] because of
his wrongdoing and the party of the faithful and steadfast ones heaved a sigh of
lamenting. The earthquakes of the day of
Wrath,[62] as
predicted in the Tablet of
came to be fulfilled and the tremours of the Afflictive Period made their
effects felt. The wasting blasts
blew[64] and, for a
time, the Sun of the Heaven of Truth was eclipsed by his hatred. The Star of the
Heaven of Divinity was momentarily veiled by the clouds of his
rancour.[65] He
caused Bahá’u’lláh to drink such a poison of
suffering[66] that
His Tongue of Divine Grandeur revealed this heart-rending utterance in one of
His Tablets: “I wish I had been non-existent and My Mother had not borne
Me! I swear by God! If any one were to become cognizant of what befell [Me], He
would assuredly seek to dwell in the wilderness and would flee from anyone
seeking his company. Furthermore, He would not eat anything, until at last he
would give his life as a ransom for love of this incandescent and Luminous
Beauty! All that hath appeared externally is not anything in my sight that I
should mention it. Rather, what hath befallen Me inside - this is that which the
Concourse of heaven cannot bear. The entirety of existence cannot bear it
either. I swear I cannot mention even a letter of it, for if I were to reveal a
letter thereof, all the heavens and the earth will be cloven
Also in the Tablet of the
Dove,[68] these two
verses disclose His sufferings and tragedies: “My tears, when flowing, are
indeed the real Flood of Noah. The burning of My heart is indeed what reminds
one of the Abrahamic Fire Jacob suffered; the least of My sorrows and all that
befell Job is but part of My
Soon after, another assault was launched against the temple of the
Cause of the All Beneficent Lord by one who claimed to be a believer and who was
related to the Beauty of the Merciful God. The tornado of tests blew fiercely
again, and the dust clouds of Covenant-Breaking were upraised. In the Prison of
the Quickener of the
World,[70] he who
arose following the Setting of the Sun of
the Most Great
Convulsion[72] came
to pass. A son, amongst the sons of Bahá’u’lláh, the
Ancient Beauty, who, for many a year, had drunk the milk of divine providence
from the breast of loving-kindness, who had grown up in the cradle of Divine
Overseeing, who had been described and known as the
who had been explicitly referred to in the Book of the Covenant and in the
Scroll of the Divine Testament, to whom Bahá’u’lláh
had referred to with these honorific and special words: “We have chosen
the Akbár [the Greater] after the A’zám [the
Great]”[74] -
such a person broke the Divine
Covenant![75] The
fire of his envy burned with an amazing conflagration. He got hold of the axe of
hatred and used it against the roots of the Blessed
Tree.[76] He brought
about joy and exultation amongst the disfigured
Yahyá community and also brought about
happiness and a fresh excitement amongst the despairing enemies of former times.
He caused the Stainless Spirit of God to be hurt in the All-highest Paradise and
engulfed all the denizens of the cities of eternity in sorrow, wailing and
lamenting. He besmirched the name of this Most Holy Faith with the stains of
calumniation and
obloquy.[77] A new
upheaval was enacted. He caused the Joseph of
Bahá[78] to
again be
imprisoned.[79] He
engaged continually in perversion of the Words of God. He created misgivings
continuously and spread letters of hellfire to all parts, night and day. He tore
apart the veil of decorum and modesty. He ignited a heart-burning fire in the
heart of the oppressed Bahá’ís. The most pure, the most
gentle heart of the Centre of the Covenant melted as a result of his wrongdoing.
He used to weep all the while from his pain and lamentations. In numerous
Tablets, and diverse prayers, the Pen of the Covenant hath continually moved in
description of His sorrows caused by that Breaker of the Covenant of the
Luminary of all the World, some of which will be mentioned here. “So much
was I afflicted with sorrow that I spent all night in wailing and communing with
God. So intense was the fever created by My pain, that, in the morning, a most
strange effect was visible on My face from the burn. It became obvious to Me
that My pain hath afflicted My liver so that some of its consequence was visible
on My face.”
Now, O ye who seek to discover the secrets of the Divine! O ye who
support the Cause of the All-Merciful God! Ponder a little. These afflictive
difficulties, these successive assaults, these awesome disturbances, these
various tribulations, these internal rebellions, all of which descended upon the
Cause of God from the beginning of the divine Revelation, and continuing for
over ninety years, and inflicted upon it by both acquaintances and adversaries
alike -- did any of these at all create a breach in this mighty edifice, this
immovable fortress? Could any of these create a disruption or confounding of the
foundations of the Shari’ah of God? Nay, I swear by the Lord of
Might! Dissension did not lead unto schisms. Those seeking rebellion and
separatism did not succeed in creating obliteration and dissolution. Although
certain of those who would fain have recognized the radiance of the Sinaic
Splendour did faint away and die; though certain important pillars of this
Edifice self-destructed and the majority of the
the offshoots of the Tree that belongeth neither to the East nor to the
West,[81] did fall
upon the dust of degradation and cut themselves off from the Trunk of the Divine
Lote-Tree, - yet, despite all of this, the foundation of this Temple was
unshaken and unaffected. The Divine Tree could never be uprooted. Deadly toxin
could never poison the Fountainhead of this Most Precious Cause. The blasting
gales could never afflict this Incomparable Plant. The most incisive sword could
not cleave asunder the united assemblage created by God. The most ferocious
winds failed to quench the Resplendent Candle. Every fair one will testify, and
every discerning one will confess to this verity: in past cycles, internal
differences, religious disputes, partisan argumentations and antagonisms - all
would immediately result in permanent schisms and abiding denominations, and
would eventuate in big breaches in the foundations of the divine Edifice. Then
the primal oneness would be lost. The Cause initiated by God would be destroyed
and its efficacy enfeebled. But in this Supreme Revelation, this most consummate
and complete Dispensation, despite a current of tribulations and a succession of
troubles and calamities and the occurrence of unheard of difficulties, the Faith
of God was providentially vouchsafed protection from those ailments which
impinged upon previous Religions.
Consider carefully: after the Martyrdom of His Holiness, the Spirit of
God[82] and His
Ascension to the Supreme Concourse, the divergences of opinion amongst the
generated dissensions and all these disputes were progenitors of great schisms
among the concourse of Christ’s followers. Gradually these breaches
intensified. The quarrels and conflicts reached a crescendo and ever newer sects
and denominations came to be created. The leading men of the Oriental and
Occidental Churches upraised the banners of revolt against each other. The
Religion of God became divided into fissiparous sects. They were all adrift and
in dispersion. All these divisions persist unto our day. Again: At the
commencement of Islám, immediately after the Sinless and Pure Spirit of
His Holiness, the seal of the Prophets,
Muhammad - upon Him be the choicest
salutation and praise! - ascended from amongst His companions, a grievous
difference occurred relating to that most fundamental of their beliefs, that is,
relating to the matter of succession and
viceregency.[84] This
difference led to the formation of factions. These schisms generated numerous
parties, denominations, and
sects.[85] The
passage of time did not assuage the intensity of these differences and nothing
could impede the permanence of lasting denominationalism and schism. But in this
wondrous Dispensation, which, in all aspects, is to be distinguished from the
past Shari’ahs and religions, even though more than 90 years have
elapsed since the Effulgent
Luminary[86] arose in
Persia, and in spite of fearful events, mighty afflictions, the apostasy of
those related to the Sacred Tree itself and the revolt of some pillars of the
Community, yet, by virtue of most decisive Texts, the most firm admonitions and
warnings, as revealed by God, the existence of unequivocal, incontrovertible,
and firm testaments, the specific appointment and identification of an
adjudicator who would act as the authoritative interpreter of God’s Holy
Words[87] - as a
result of all this, the unity of the divine Faith proved unassailable and the
enemies were all brought to extinction and defeat. The sacred institutions and
holy ordinances - all remained sacrosanct from the stain and spoliation of the
rebellious and recalcitrant. Differences and disturbances, which are the
essential prerequisites and sine qua non of growth and evolution within
the Body of the Cause, did not, unlike in the past, result in the disjunction
and fracture of the Temple of the Cause. All those difficulties were transformed
by God into mechanisms for the purification of its vesture, strengthening of its
constituent elements, and the discarding of unhealthy and insalubrious entities
from the Community of the People of
Even though
in the Faith of Him Who vouchsafeth secret Bounties is bound to happen in
all ages, yet the absence of dissection and schism in the company of the
followers of the Light of the World is a distinguishing characteristic of this
luminous Cause and one of the particularities of this Glorious Dispensation.
Where is the misbegotten Karím and his colleagues? Where is to be found
Azal and his followers? Where is the Arch-breaker, his friends and cohorts?
Where are their futile plans? Where are their degraded associations? Where are
their false promises? Whither are their vain conspiracies? Where is gone their
ever-vanishing and transient power? All their hopes were brought to nought. All
their deeds were of no avail. The angels of retribution beat upon their mouths
and hurled them all into the midmost fire. Their story remaineth as a lesson for
those observers who have a clear vision. Nothing hath remained in the kingdom of
God except the lights that radiate from His luminous and incandescent
Countenance and the traces and effects of His All-Conquering All-Pervasive,
All-Potent Faith.
O ye who seek to praise the Greatest Name! This precious and beloved
Faith of God is held firmly in the grasp of the One Who is the Luminary of All
Existence and the concourse of the People of Bahá are held in the
protective hand of the Absolute, the All-Possessing One! His Unseen Hand worketh
ever more. All earthly turmoil and revolution is but the start of the
proclamation of the Divine Shari’ah. The rays emanating from the
heaven of confirmation are truly dazzling and the signs of the grandeur of the
Cause evident far and near. This Day is that fearful aforementioned Day of
Separation[90] and
all things declare the glad tidings of the Golden Age of the Cycle of the Lord
of Destiny. A discerning eye is essential if one wisheth to behold the lights of
this Day and to assimilate and appreciate these heretofore unknown verities. Who
can flee from His Sovereignty? Who can escape from His Authority? Who can fail
not to be conquered by His Victory? The events and vicissitudes of the first
Bahá’í Century are the pivotal points for drawing lessons in
relation to future events. They are the clear mirror for seeing the future
Consider again: After the passing of our kind Father,
‘Abdu’l-Bahá’, the Centre of the Covenant, - may My
spirit be a sacrifice to His lovers! - certain degraded, vain and unfaithful
ones, among them their chief, the Great Raven, the Redolent Droplet, the
miserable Avarih,[91]
-- what an uproar they caused! What foul noises were raised by them! What
senseless ravings were disseminated by them! What plottings were conceived by
them! What staunch efforts they exerted in order that the Sacred Cord of the
Divine Testament be broken apart and a breach be created in the divine
Guardianship, so that they might be able to accomplish what the wicked groups of
the past failed to achieve. But God did cut off their tongue. And soon will God
cause them to join the company of those who acted unjustly in the past and waxed
vainglorious. Then they will learn their true abode!
O friends of God! I adjure thee to remain steadfast on this awesome
Cause. I adjure thee to defend its Holy sacraments. I adjure thee to summon
mankind to this Great Announcement and to implement its glorious Laws. I adjure
thee to follow this Broad and Straight Path! I adjure you to lay firm its
foundations and to persist in unraveling its mysteries, and to continue avoiding
and shunning every one who is an enemy of this Unique, scintillating and all
Glorious Name.[92] In
this wise, will thy stations become disclosed unto thee. The lights of thy glory
will then shine and darkness will thereby be dispelled from thy lands. All the
hidden matters latent in the Cause will thereby be revealed, thy enemies will be
vanquished and all the promises of your Lord and Master will be fulfilled. Thy
country will then become a part of the Most Exalted Paradise and a mirror
reflecting the lights radiating from the Abhá Kingdom.
All Glory to this approaching Day, a Day All-Effulgent, Most Holy, Most
Blessed, Most Great!
The Servant of His Threshold, Shoghi.
December, 1937; [Masa’il (Questions), 94 B
[1] The
present title is not original and was suggested to the present editor by the
translator, Khazeh Fananapazir. The original text is published in
Rabbaní az [1927 -1939].
([Tihrán]: National Spiritual
Assembly of the Bahá’ís of ‘Irán, [no
date]). pp. 278 -294 (MW’s note, based on information supplied by KF).
[2] In this
section, and in the two following paragraphs, the Guardian transmits an address
to the Iránian believers from Bahá’u’lláh.
(MW’s note, Mitsukaido Nikko, Monday, May 28, 2001.)
[3] The
Covenant. See Kitáb-i-Aqdas, ¶117. (KF’s note, modified
by MW).
[4] Law
(KF’s note)
[5] Cf.
Qur’án 3:146: “And God Loves those who are firm and
steadfast.” See also Kitáb-i-Aqdas, ¶ 134
(MW”’s note).
[6] Cf.
Qur’án 59:4: “. . .if any one resists God, verily God is
severe in Punishment.” (MW’s note).
[7] Cf.
Qur’án 5:98: “For God is Exalted, and Lord of
Retribution.” See also 7:167 and 40:22: “. . . for He is Full of
Strength, Strict in Punishment.” (MW’s note).
[8] Here ends
Bahá’u’lláh’s Voice as transmitted by the
Guardian (KF’s note)
[9] This
sentence and following is the Guardian in his own voice (KF’s
[10] i.e. on
the Cause (KF’s note)
Mirzá Muhammad-’Alí, the
half-brother of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’ and the Archbreaker of
the Covenant, died on the 20th of December, 1937 (See David S. Ruhe
Door of Hope, p. 117, footnote #3). Referring to this event, the
Guardian sent the following cablegram to the Bahá’ís of
America on that same day: “The Hand of Omnipotence has removed the
archbreaker of Bahá’u’lláh’s Covenant, his hopes
shattered, his plottings frustrated, the society of his fellow-conspirators
extinguished. God’s triumphant Faith forges on, its unity unimpaired, its
purpose unsullied, its stability unshaken. Such a death calls for neither
exultation nor recrimination, but evokes overwhelming pity at so tragic a
downfall unparalleled in religious history.” It is interesting to note
that the themes that are elucidated so eloquently in this letter to the
Bahá’ís of ’Irán are all briefly stated in the
above cable. (MW’s note, based on information provided by Barry Uhlenhake
from the Research Department of the United States Bahá’í
National Center in an e-mail message to the present editor).
[12] Cf.
Qur’án 4:145: “The Hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of
the Fire: no helper wilt thou find for them . . ”. See also 66:9:
“O Prophet! Strive hard against the Unbelievers and the Hypocrites, and be
firm against them. Their abode is Hell,- an evil refuge (indeed).”
(MW’s note).
[13] Cf.
Psalm 89:31-2: “If they break my statutes, and keep not my commandments;
Then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with
stripes.” See also Gleanings from the Writings of
Bahá’u’lláh, p. 325: “. . . yet the rod with
which I can chastise the wicked is grievous, and the fierceness of Mine anger
against them terrible.” (MW’s note).
[14] This
passage is quoted by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’ . Will and
Testament of‘Abdu’l-Bahá’, p. 6. (MW’s note,
based on message from KF).
[15] Cf.
Qur’án 2:257: “Of those who reject faith the patrons are the
evil ones: from light they will lead them forth into the depths of darkness.
They will be companions of the fire, to dwell therein (For ever).”
(MW’s note).
[16] Cf.
Qur’án 61:8 and 9:32: “Fain would they extinguish
God’s light with their mouths, but God will not allow but that His light
should be perfected, even though the Unbelievers may detest (it).”
(MW’s note).
[17] Cf.
Qur’án 4:145 “The Hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of
the Fire: no helper wilt thou find for them..” (MW’s
[18] i.e.
Irán (MW’s note).
[19] 1260
A.H. or 1844 A.D.(KF’s note)
[20] The
Dynasty which ruled ’Irán from 1795 to its formal removal in 1925
(MW’s note).
[21] Refers
to the martyrdom of the Báb. See The Dawnbreakers, p. 506-517
(MW’s note).
[22] i.e.
’Abdu’l-’Aziz (KF’s note).
[23] The
Qájár dynasty in toto (KF’s note, from a personal e-mail
from the translator to the present editor).
[24] i.e
’Akká. Cf. Proclamation of
Bahá’u’lláh, p. 22: “He, for Whose sake the
world was called into being, hath been imprisoned in the most desolate of cities
(‘Akká), by reason of that which the hands of the wayward have
wrought.” (KF’s note, expanded by MW).
Bahá’u’lláh (KF’s note).
Adrianople (KF’s note).
[27] i.e.
‘Akká (MW’s note)
[28] The
Guardian here details some of the evidences of the wrath of God upon the divines
and the kings. In this connection, see Isaiah 10:33 and 24:21: “And it
shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall punish the host of the high
ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth.”
(MW’s note)
Translation of this passage is taken from Shoghi Effendi, The Promised Day is
Come, p. 90. KF’s translation of this passage is as follows:
“Their honour will be transmuted to great dishonour. This outward power
and pomp will be transformed to the greatest defeat. Palaces will change to
Prisons. Their heights of heaven will end as the bottom of a well. Their
laughter and merriment will not abide; nay, the voice of tears and lamentations
will be upraised.” Source for this passage from
‘Abdu’l-Bahá’ís, as yet, unknown. (MW’s
Following the assassination of Nasír’d-Dín
Sháh in 1896, the Persian throne passed quickly from his son,
Mozaffar ad-Dín Sháh (reigned 1896–1907), then to his
grandson, Muhammad ’Alí Sháh (reigned
1907–09). Muhammad
’Alí’s son, Ahmad Sháh (reigned 1909–25),
who succeeded to the throne at age 11, was deposed in a coup
d’état in February 1921, led by Reza Khán (ruled
as Reza Sháh Pahlaví between 1925–41). The
Qájár Dynasty was formally terminated by declaration of the
National Consultative Assembly in October, 1925 (MW’s note).
[31] Shoghi
Effendi briefly recounts the fall of the Qájárs in The Promised
Day is Come p. 66-69. (MW’s note, Mitsukaido Nikko, Monday, May 28,
Nasir’d-Dín Sháh (1831-1896) (KF’s note,
modified by MW).
[33] The
Báb (MW’s note).
Nasiri’d-Dín Sháh was assassinated on the eve of his
jubilee in the shrine of Sháh Abdu’l-’Azim in 1896
(MW’s note).
[35] Sultan
’Abdu’l-Hamid II (1842-1918).
During his reign (1876 -1909), large portions of the Ottoman Empire were lost,
following his defeat in the war with Russia (1878). Tunisia was occupied by
France (1881), and Egypt was controlled by Britain (1882). In 1897, the Empire
was forced by the Europeans to recognize the autonomy of Crete. The
Sultán ruled as a despot, and
brutally repressed the Armenians between 1894-6. In 1908, due to the lack of
support among the army and the rise of the Young Turks,
’Abdu’l-Hamid was forced re-enact
the Constitution of 1876 which he had earlier suspended, and which, for the
first time in an Islámic state, defined the rights of both the ruler and
his subjects. He was ultimately deposed when he attempted to plot a
counterrevolution against the Young Turks and was exiled to Salonika, where he
died in disgrace (MW’s note).
[36] Shoghi
Effendi recounts the fall of the Ottoman Empire in The Promised Day is Come,
p. 62-5 (MW’s note).
[37] After
the Young Turks Revolution, foreign powers forced the ceding of further
territories. In October 1908, Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina,
and Bulgaria proclaimed its independence. Italy seized Tripoli (Libya).
Following the two Balkan Wars (1912-3), the Empire lost Serbia, Greece,
Montenegro, and Albania. After World War I, under the Treaty of Sèvres
(1920), the Empire lost its remaining Arab provinces, important islands and
lands were annexed to Greece, and the Europeans powers gained control over the
Empire’s finances. (MW’s note).
[38] The
last Ottoman Sultán,
Muhammad VI, was deposed and was succeeded
briefly by a cousin, but in 1924, the caliphate was abolished by Ataturk.
(MW’s note).
Formally recognized by the Treaty of Lausanne in October 29th,1923
(MW’s note).
[40] Quoted
from the Lawh-i-Burhán. See
Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 213. (KF’s
[41] The
Shari’ah Law was abolished and the Swiss Civil Code was adopted by the
Turkish parliament in 1926. The Commercial Law for the country was debated for
four years, and then finally ratified (MW’s note).
Religious Courts were abolished by Ataturk in 1926, and a modern jury system was
introduced throughout the republic that same year (MW’s note)
[43] In
1925, Ataturk banned all religious activities in the country. Then, in 1934,
religious attire was prohibited in public (MW’s note)
[44] i.e.,
The Súriy-i-Amín (Tablet of the Trustee)
[Athár-i-Qalam-i A´lá, Vol. 1, pp. 170-173;
Athár-i-Qalam-i-A´lá, Vol. 4(i), pp. 320-323] which
was revealed in ’Akká for Hájí
Abu’l-Hasan, surnamed Amín
(Trusted One), who was the second person to be appointed the Trustee of
Haqq’u’lláh by
Bahá’u’lláh. (MW’s note, added Mitsukaido Nikko,
Monday, May 28, 2001).
[45] i.e.
from the Heaven of Revelation (KF’s note)
Bahá’u’lláh expands on this point in the Epistle to
the Son of the Wolf (p 100): “O concourse of divines! Because of you
the people were abased, and the banner of Islam was hauled down, and its mighty
throne subverted. Every time a man of discernment hath sought to hold fast unto
that which would exalt Islam, ye raised a clamor, and thereby was he deterred
from achieving his purpose, while the land remained fallen in clear ruin.”
(MW’s note).
[47] The
passage the Guardian quotes is from the Súriy-i-Amín
(Tablet of the Trustee), Athar Qalam A’lá v. IV, p.
321. The quotation cites Qur’án 89:14. (MW’s note,
based on a reference from KF).
Bahá’u’lláh seems to be referring here to the Jewish
people (MW’s note, Tuesday, January 22, 2002).
[49] Cf.
Qur’án, 5:20: “(Both) the Jews and the Christians say:
‘We are sons of God, and his beloved.’ Say: ‘Why then doth He
punish you for your sins?’” (MW’s note).
[50] In AD
66, Nero Claudius Caesar (reigned 54 to 68 A.D.) commissioned his general
Vespasian to settle the Jewish revolt that had broken out in Cesaraea and
Jerusalem. Vespasian and his legate Titus Flavius Vespasianus began their
campaign against Jerusalem in the following year, but the city was very heavily
defended, both naturally and militarily. In AD 69, Vespasian was proclaimed
Emperor and Titus remained in the East. He continued the siege and reached the
outer walls of the Temple in 4 weeks. A seige wall was built around the city
and this reduced much of the Jewish population to starvation. In August of AD
70, Herod’s Temple was razed to the ground, the remaining inhabitants of
the city were all killed, and Titus made sacrifice to the Roman standards in the
inner court (MW’s note).
[51] i.e.,
the Temple as it was built by Herod the Great (37 BCE to c. 4 BCE). It was
begun in 19 BCE and dedicated the following year. It was not formally
completed, however, until 63 AD, just 5 years before the beginning of the Roman
seige (MW’s note).
[52] The
second Temple, built by King Herod, was utterly destroyed during the Roman siege
of the city in 68-70 AD and the all Jews who remained were either sold as slaves
or killed. (MW’s note).
‘Abdu’l-Bahá’ comments on this point:
“Notwithstanding the fulfillment of all the prophetic signs in His
Holiness, the Jews denied him [Christ] and entered the period of their
deprivation because of their allegiance to imitations and ancestral
forms.” Foundations of World Unity, p.75. (MW’s
[54] The
Jewish people began a revolt against Rome in 66 A.D. Jerusalem was taken by the
Roman army in the year 70. Jews were banished from Jerusalem by order of
Hadrian following the crushing of the Bar Kochba revolt in 135. It was not
until 1860 that a Jewish settlement was permitted by the Turkish authorities in
the vicinity of Jerusalem. The founding of the State of Israel in the Holy Land
in 1948 marked the close of their banishment (MW’s note).
‘Abdu’l-Bahá’ refers to this age as the ‘century
of light’; see, eg. Selections from the Writings of
‘Abdu’l-Bahá’, p. 32. For elaboration, see
Century of Light, Universal House of Justice (MW’s
[56] In a
Tablet revealed to the Jewish Community in the Orient in 1897, the Master wrote:
“Moreover, materially as well (as spiritually), the Israelites will all
gather in the Holy Land. This is irrefutable prophecy, for the ignominy which
Israel has suffered for well-nigh twenty-five hundred years will now be changed
into eternal glory, and in the eyes of all, the Jewish people will become
glorified to such an extent as to draw the jealousy of its enemies and the envy
of its friends.” See Bahá’í News, no. 250, Dec.
1951, p.5. The prophecy chiefly referred to is Ezekiel 36:22-28:
“Therefore say to the house of Israel, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD:
‘I do not do this for your sake, O house of Israel, but for My holy
name’s sake, which you have profaned among the nations wherever you went.
For I will take you from among the nations, gather you out of all countries, and
bring you into your own land. Then you shall dwell in the land that I gave to
your fathers; you shall be My people, and I will be your
God.’’” See also Ezekiel 20:33-38, 22:17-22, Isaiah 11:11-12,
Zephaniah 2:1-2 and Daniel 8:13-4: “Then I heard one saint speaking, and
another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, ‘How long shall be
the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation,
to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?’ And he
said unto me, ‘Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the
sanctuary be cleansed.‘” The prophecies see their wonderful
fulfillment with the Edict of Toleration (1844),
Bahá’u’lláh’s banishment to Palestine and His
four visits to Carmel, in the founding of the State of Israel in 1948 and the
establishment of the Bahá’í World Center on that Holy
mountain. (MW’s note. Bible quotes from KJV.)
[57] i.e.
the fall of Muhammad ’Alí, etc.
(KF’s note)
Mírzá Yahyá (KF’s
[59] i.e.
the Báb (MWs note).
[60] The
self-proclaimed leader of the Shaykhí sect, following the
passing of Siyyid Kazim-i-Rashstí.
Bahá’u’lláh condemns him in both the
Kitáb-i-Íqán (see. pp. 184-186) and the
Lawh-i-Qiná. (MW’s
[61] This
powerful image occurs only once in the authorized translations of
Bahá’u’lláh’s writings, namely in the
Lawh-i-Dunya (Tablet of the World), in
reference to Prince Mahmud
Mírzá, the Jalalu’d-Dawlíh, Governor of Yazd, who
instigated the horrific martyrdom of seven steadfast believers in that province
in 1891 (MW’s note).
[62] Cf.
Qur’án 14:44-5: “So warn mankind of the Day when the Wrath
will reach them: then will the wrong-doers say: ‘Our Lord! respite us (if
only) for a short term: we will answer Thy call, and follow the
apostles!’ ‘What! were ye not wont to swear aforetime that ye should
suffer no decline? ‘And ye dwelt in the dwellings of men who wronged
their own souls; ye were clearly shown how We dealt with them; and We put forth
(many) parables in your behoof!’” See also Zephania 1:14-16:
“The great day of the Lord is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly, even
the voice of the day of the Lord: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly. That
day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and
desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick
darkness, A day of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced cities, and against
the high towers.” In God Passes By p. 95, Shoghi Effendi confirms
these verses refer to the Day of Bahá’u’lláh
(MW’s note).
[63] i.e,
the Lawh-i-Nasír
Qazviní, which was revealed in Adrianople in Persian and
addressed to Hájí
Muhammad-Nasír, of Qazvin, surnamed
‘Defender’ by Bahá’u’lláh.
Muhammad-Nasír was a merchant by
trade, well respected by the people of Qazvín, and he was taught the
Faith by one of the Letters of the Living. He attended the important conference
at Badasht in 1848, and was one of the defenders at Shaykh
Tabársí (hence the title). He was imprisoned following the
abortive assassination attempt on the Sháh in 1852, but released.
He attained the presence of Bahá’u’lláh in
’Akká, then went to teach the Faith in Rasht. He was soon
imprisoned again in Rasht by the clergy, and died as a martyr in 1888.
His corpse was severely mutilated by fanatic mobs after his death.
Bahá’u’lláh makes mention of this in the Epistle to
the Son of the Wolf, p.72:
“Among them was his honor, Hájí
Nasír, who, unquestionably, was a brilliant light that shone forth above
the horizon of resignation. After he had suffered martyrdom, they plucked out
his eyes and cut off his nose, and inflicted on him such indignities that
strangers wept and lamented, and secretly raised funds to support his wife and
children.” (MW’s note).
“But a myriad times alas for the wayward who are like unto dried-up leaves
fallen upon the dust. Ere long mortal blasts shall carry them away to the place
ordained for them. Ignorant did they arrive, ignorant did they linger and
ignorant did they retire to their abodes.” (Tablets of
Bahá’u’lláh, p. 257-8) (MW’s
Possibly a veiled reference to Bahá’u’lláh’s
withdraw from the house of ‘Amru’lláh to that of
Ridá Big in Adrianople on March 10,
1866, as a result of Mirzá
Yahya ’s rebellion (MW’s
[66] Perhaps
denoting Mirzá Yahya’s attempt to poison
Bahá’u’lláh in Adrianople and then accuse Him of
making an attempt on his own life (MW’s note).
[67] The
Guardian often quotes this passage, but its source is, as yet, not known.
(MW’s note, Iwai Koko, Wednesday, June 6, 2001, based on message from KF
dated Tuesday, June 5th, 2001.)
Qasidiy-i-Varqa’iyyih, also known as the
Qasidiy-i-’Izz-Varqa’iyyih, which was revealed in
Sulaymaniyyih, around 1855 (MW’s note).
[69] Verse
72 and following (MW’s note).
[70] Cf.
Summons of the Lord of Hosts, H ¶274 (MW’s note).
[71] i.e.
Bahá’u’lláh (MW’s note).
[72] Cf.
Prayers and Meditaions, p. 28 (MW’s note).
[73] The
Greater Branch, i.e. Muhammad
’Alí (KF’s note).
Kitáb-i-’Ahd (Book of the Covenant); See Tablets of
Bahá’u’lláh, p.222 (MW’s note).
[75] A more
detailed account of
Muhammad-’Alí’s rebellion
against ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’ can be found in God Passes
By, pp. 246-49 (MW’s note).
[76] i.e.
the Faith of God (MW’s note).
[77] Shoghi
Effendi, expanding on this point, writes, “To friend and stranger,
believer and unbeliever alike, to officials both high and low, openly and by
insinuation, verbally as well as in writing, they [Mírzá
Muhammad-Alí and his adjutants]
represented ‘Abdu’l-Bahá as an ambitious, a self-willed, an
unprincipled and pitiless usurper, Who had deliberately disregarded the
testamentary instructions of His Father; Who had, in language intentionally
veiled and ambiguous, assumed a rank co-equal with the Manifestation Himself;
Who in His communications with the West was beginning to claim to be the return
of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who had come ‘in the glory of the
Father’; Who, in His letters to the Indian believers, was proclaiming
Himself as the promised Sháh Bahrám, and arrogating to
Himself the right to interpret the writing of His Father, to inaugurate a new
Dispensation, and to share with Him the Most Great Infallibility, the exclusive
prerogative of the holders of the prophetic office. They, furthermore, affirmed
that He had, for His private ends, fomented discord, fostered enmity and
brandished the weapon of excommunication; that He had perverted the purpose of a
Testament which they alleged to be primarily concerned with the private
interests of Bahá’u’lláh’s family by acclaiming
it as a Covenant of world importance, pre-existent, peerless and unique in the
history of all religions; that He had deprived His brothers and sisters of their
lawful allowance, and expended it on officials for His personal advancement;
that He had declined all the repeated invitations made to Him to discuss the
issues that had arisen and to compose the differences which prevailed; that He
had actually corrupted the Holy Text, interpolated passages written by Himself,
and perverted the purpose and meaning of some of the weightiest Tablets revealed
by the pen of His Father; and finally, that the standard of rebellion had, as a
result of such conduct, been raised by the Oriental believers, that the
community of the faithful had been rent asunder, was rapidly declining and was
doomed to extinction.” (God Passes By, p. 248) (MW’s
‘Abdu’l-Bahá’. This comparison of the Master to the
youngest son of Jacob is made with regard to the envy and jealousy of
Joseph’s brothers in both the Qur’ánic and the Biblical story
(KF’s note, expanded by MW).
[79] Refers
to the period during ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s ministry between
1901 and 1907 in which Mírzá
Muhammad-’Alí and
Mírzá Badí’u’lláh, through lies, slander
and false testimonies, intrigued with Ottoman authorities such as Nazím
Páshá, the Valí (Governor) of Damascus, and
successfully campaigned for His re-confinement in ’Akká. Following
His re-incarceration, a Commission of Inquiry was sent to Haifa, but was soon
recalled due to an assassination attempt on the life of the Sultán,
’Abdu’l-Hamid. The inquiry was
permanently curtailed following the collapse of the Sultanate a few months
later. See Shoghi Effendi, God Passes By, Chap. XVII. (MW’s
Branches (KF’s note)
Qu’rán 24:35 (MW’s note).
[82] Jesus
Christ (KF’s note).
[83] The
Letter of St. Paul to the Galatians (2:11-14) indicates that Paul had a dispute
with St. Peter over the issue of the importance of circumcision and following
the Law of Moses (MW’s note).
[84] See
Balyuzí, H. M. Muhammad and
the Course of Islám. Chapter 19 (MW’s note).
[85] For
details of the divisions with Shí’ism, see Moojan Momen,
An Introduction to Shí’í Islám (Oxford, George
Ronald, 1985) (MW’s note).
Bahá’u’lláh (MW’s note).
[87] i.e.
the Master ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’ (KA ¶121) and the
Guardian, Shoghi Effendi (Will and Testament, p. 11) (MW’s
“The outburst of savage fanaticism that greeted the birth of the
Revelation proclaimed by the Báb, His subsequent arrest and captivity,
had been followed by the formulation of the laws of His Dispensation, by the
institution of His Covenant, by the inauguration of that Dispensation in
Badasht, and by the public assertion of His station in Tabríz.
Widespread and still more violent uprisings in the provinces, His own execution,
the blood bath which followed it and
Bahá’u’lláh’s imprisonment in the
Siyah-Chal had been succeeded by the breaking of the dawn of the
Bahá’í Revelation in that dungeon.
Bahá’u’lláh’s banishment to ’Iráq,
His withdrawal to Kurdistan and the confusion and distress that afflicted His
fellow-disciples in Baghdád had, in turn, been followed by the
resurgence of the Bábí community, culminating in the Declaration
of His Mission in the Najibiyyih Garden.
Abdu’l-’Aziz’s decree summoning Him to Constantinople and the
crisis precipitated by Mírzá Yahyá had been
succeeded by the proclamation of that Mission to the crowned heads of the world
and its ecclesiastical leaders. Bahá’u’lláh’s
banishment to the penal colony of ’Akká, with all its attendant
troubles and miseries, had, in its turn, led to the promulgation of the laws and
ordinances of His Revelation and to the institution of His Covenant, the last
act of His life. The fiery tests engendered by the rebellion of
Muhammad-’Alí and his associates
had been succeeded by the introduction of the Faith of
Bahá’u’lláh in the West and the transfer of the
Báb’s remains to the Holy Land. The renewal of
‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s incarceration and the perils and
anxieties consequent upon it had resulted in the downfall of
‘Abdu’l-Hamíd, in
‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s release from His confinement, in the
entombment of the Báb’s remains on Mt. Carmel, and in the triumphal
journeys undertaken by the Center of the Covenant Himself in Europe and America.
The outbreak of a devastating world war and the deepening of the dangers to
which Jamal Páshá and the Covenant-breakers had exposed Him
had led to the revelation of the Tablets of the Divine Plan, to the flight of
that overbearing Commander, to the liberation of the Holy Land, to the
enhancement of the prestige of the Faith at its world center, and to a marked
expansion of its activities in East and West.
‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s passing and the agitation which His
removal had provoked had been followed by the promulgation of His Will and
Testament, by the inauguration of the Formative Age of the
Bahá’í era and by the laying of the foundations of a
world-embracing Administrative Order. And finally, the seizure of the keys of
the Tomb of Bahá’u’lláh by the Covenant-breakers, the
forcible occupation of His House in Baghdád by the
Shí’íh community, the outbreak of persecution in
Russia and the expulsion of the Bahá’í community from
Islám in Egypt had been succeeded by the public assertion of the
independent religious status of the Faith by its followers in East and West, by
the recognition of that status at its world center, by the pronouncement of the
Council of the League of Nations testifying to the justice of its claims, by a
remarkable expansion of its international teaching activities and its
literature, by the testimonials of royalty to its Divine origin, and by the
completion of the exterior ornamentation of its first House of Worship in the
western world.” (Shoghi Effendi, God Passes By, pp. 409-410)
For elaboration on this theme, see the Compilation, Crisis and Victory,
Bahá’í Publications Australia. (MW’s
ikhtilaf: variance or diversity (KF’s note)
Qur’án 44:40, 77:13, 78:17 (KF’s note).
[91] i.e.
who was formerly known a respected teacher and historian of the Faith.
Shoghi Effendi details his Covenant-breaking activities and denounces him in a
message dated October 17th, 1927. See Bahá’í
Administration, pp. 137-139. (MW’s note)
[92] Cf. KA
¶ 37 and the Will and Testament of
‘Abdu’l-Bahá’: “And now, one of the greatest
and most fundamental principles of the Cause of God is to shun and avoid
entirely the Covenant-breakers, for they will utterly destroy the Cause of God,
exterminate His Law and render of no account all efforts exerted in the
past.” (p. 20). The practice of shunning goes back at least to the
Christian dispensation; See Romans 16:17-18: “Now I beseech you, brethren,
mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye
have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus
Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the
hearts of the simple.” (KJV). The Qur’án recommends that
believers do not seek the friendship of such people (See 4:89). (MW’s