The Structurizing Program










Compiled By























Bahá’í Publishing Committee

P. O. Box 348

Grand Central Annex

New York, N.Y.





A. World of God,.......................................................... p. 1

1.    This plane is unapproachable ... unlimited........ p. 1

2.    God: unknowable essence supreme center ...... p. 1


B.    World of Command ............................................ p. 2 - 5

1.    Kingdom of God .................................................. p. 2

2.    Primal emanation................................................. p. 2

3.    Only begotten of the Father............................... p. 2

4.    Manifestations: Oneness with God primal... mirrors p. 2 - 5

5.    Universal Divine Mind......................................... p- 5

6.    Holy Spirit ...Christ Spirit.................................... P- 4

7.    Christ Spirit........................................................... p. 4

8.    The Will ................................................................. p. 4 - 5

9.    The Word .............................................................. p- 5


C.    World of Divinity.................................................. p. 5


D.    World of Creation,............................................... p.6

1.    Beginning of creation.......................................... p. 6

2.    Worlds of creation................................................ p. 6

3.    Purpose of creation ............................................. p. 6

4.    Nature ................................................................... p. 7

5.    World of humanity: Man? His reality and station      p. 7 - 8

6.    Human potentiality ............................................. p. 9

7.    Reflective faculty ................................................ p. 9 - 10

8.    Manifestations: Essential oneness ... distinction         p. 10

9.    Universal Manifestations dependent................. p. 10 - 11

10. Revelation in the world of creation .................. p. 11

11. Sovereignty. ......................................................... p. 11 - 12

12. Purpose and Mission ........................................... p. 12

13. Religion the gift of revelation ............................ p. 13

14. Faith ...................................................................... p. 15

15. Service................................................................... p. 14

16. Sacrifice ................................................................ p. 14

17. Material and divine civilization.......................... p. 14 - 15

18. Education: Material ... Human ... Spiritual Obligations      p. 15,16,17

19. Teachers...Teaching............................................. p. 17 - 18

20. Reward .................................................................. p. 18 - 19

21. Retribution............................................................ p. 19 - 20

22.) Prayer and Rebirth.............................................. p. 20 - 21

23.)                ...............................................................

24. Immortality ...  eternal life .................................. p. 21


Pages given for the World Order Letters refer to the paging in the pamphlets as first published.  The list on the last page gives the comparative pages for those pamphlets and for the book entitled “The World Order of Bahá’u’lláh.”


E. Bahá’u’lláh

1.  Prophecy.................................................................. p. 22

2.  Oneness with God................................................... p. 22 - 23

3.  Station of distinction.............................................. p. 23

4. Greatest Name... Covenant................................... p. 23 - 24

5. Proof and power of mission of Bahá’u’lláh........ p. 24 - 25

6.  Infallibility................................................................ p. 25

7.  He whom God will make Manifest....................... p. 25

8. Succession, .............................................................. p. 26

9. Cycles ...................................................................... p. 26

10. Day of God............................................................ p. 27


F.  Báb

1.  Prophecy.................................................................. p. 28

2. Essential Oneness................................................... p. 28

5. Primal Point............................................................ p. 28

4. Forerunner............................................................... p. 28

5. Sovereignty.............................................................. p. 29


G. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

1. Prophecy ................................................................. p. 30

2. Station ..................................................................... p. 30

3. Mystery of God....................................................... p. 30

4. Center of the Covenant ... Interpreter... ............. p. 30

5. Greatest Branch ... ................................................ p. 31

6. Mission Will sad Testament................................... p. 31

7. Will and Testament................................................. p. 31


 H.   The Administrative Order................................... p. 32

1. Source...Authority................................................... p. 32

2. Greatest Branch Center of  the Covenant ...

        Will and Testament.............................................. p. 32

3. Guardianship ... Primal Branch ... Valayat ..

        Authority       p. 32

4. Establishment...Twin Pillars...Functions ..Goal.. p. 53

5. Institutions: Hands of God Council of Nine........ p. 35

6. Universal House or Justice.................................... p. 35 - 34

7.  Secondary House Of Justice................................ p. 34

8. Local Assemblies.................................................... p. 54

9. National and local Funds....................................... p. 34 - 55

10. Conventions.......................................................... p. 35

11   Feasts and Anniversaries.................................... p. 36

12.  Mashriqu’l-Adhkar............................................... p. 36

13.  Administrative Principles…New World Order ......... p.36 - 37





In the “Three Worlds” or three planes of being so given in the Bahá’í Teachings, we find clearly defined the relationship of all creation to God the Essences the Unknowable, the Source, and its direct dependence upon the “Manifestations of God's Essence.”

When studied diligently we are able to understand the vital difference between the teachings of the mystics, of some of the philosophers, of many of the present-day cults, and the concepts as given by the revealed words of the Manifestations pertaining to this relationship.


From this understanding of the “Three WORLDS” we shall be freed from any and all ideas regarding immediate nearness to the Essence of God and be able to grasp the meaning of that UNITY that is the fundamental life-force penetrating, through its avenues of power, all creation.


From it we shall also escape the prevalent general tendency to personify the Absolute in the Manifestation to such a degree that the Unknown Essence, the Source, is forgotten.


On the other hand we are to realize that the distinct plane of the Prophets - that Primal Emanation from the Absolute - is our only approach or medium to that Absolute, the great “Central Light “.


We-become aware of the true significances;  1. of the Oneness of God in His Essence,;  2. of the oneness of the Manifestations with that Source', which  is the appearance of the splendor of God imaged in His Manifestations; 3. of the essential oneness of the Manifestations in relation to each other; 4. of the oneness of humanity in its reality, which is an emanation from the Kingdom of God and in which is reflected the bounties of the Kingdom.


Thus so realize that these three planes of being are distinct in their reality, but indissolubly linked by the One Source that binds together and penetrates all existence.

“The Sufis say: “'The reality of the things is the manifestation of the Real Unity'.” “But the Prophets say: 'The reality of the things emanates from the Real Unity'.”


Bahá’u’lláh says: “The First Emanation from God is the bounty of the Kingdom, which emanates  and is reflected in the reality of the creatures, like the light which emanates from the sun and is resplendent in infinite forms in the reality of all things, and specifies and individualizes itself affording to the capacity, the worthiness and the intrinsic value of things.” Again He says:

“The integrity Of every rank and station must needs be preserved. By this is meant that every created thing should be viewed in the light Of the station it hath been ordained to occupy.”


NOTE that the KINGDOM OF GOD is the Primal Emanation, is also called the Primal Word, the Primal Will, the World of Command,  the First Sea, etc. In using the Bahá’í terminology we have the creative word, and a variety of expressions that will not lend to diversity of meaning as when we try to simplify the terms with individual understanding. Bahá’u’lláh says: “Each word is a 'mother word'.”





Absolute............................ Unqualified, unlimited, self-existent, perfect.

Dispensation .................... Divine ordering, a period of time

Emanate .......................... Dict: originate, proceed (from source)

Emanation........................ “Proceeding thru emanation is like the

                                                 coming of the action from the actor...the

                                                 writing the writer.

Primal Emanation .......... The first thing which proceeded from God:

                                                 the Word, the Will, First Sea, Station

                                                 of the Prophets, “Only begotten of the Father”.

Essence ............................ Substance, central nature.

Essential phenomena...... Preceded by a Cause

Immanence....................... Indwelling.

Manifestation .................. as a Bahá’í term means: “The reality of a thing other

                                                 forms, like the coming forth of a flower

                                                 from the seed of the tree...for the seed itself

                                                 appears in form of the branches, leaves and



Pre-existence .................. not preceded by a Cause-

Primal Mirrors................. Manifestations of or Reflectors of the Essence

                                            Absolute (God)

Phenomena of time ........ have beginnings and endings.

Reality............................... inner nature

Transcendent .................. Beyond the range of reason...applicable to the



Day-Star........................... is the same as the Sun, the Manifestation

Day Spring ....................... beginner of the Day,


Qa'im ............................... “He who shall arise”. This term donotes the

                                                 promisedone of Islam

Mihdi ................................ Title of the Manifestation expected by Islam

Imam ................................ Title of twelve Shi'ah successors of MuMammad.

                                                 Also applies generally to Muslim religious

                                                 leaders .

Shi'ah and Sunni.............. Two main branches of the Muhammedan religion.


Kitab-i-Aqdas ................. Book of 1aws

Kitab-i-'Ahd..................... Will and Testament of Bahá’ulláh



Possible Uses for Outline

1.-Individual study                  

2.-Group Lessons

3.-Topics for articles and talks

4. Quotations for devotional meetings and Feasts.




Arabic Hidden Words .................................................. A. H. W.

America and the Most Great Peace ......................... A. M. G. P.

America’s Spiritual Mission........................................ A. S. M.

Answered Questions .................................................... A. Q.

Bahá’í Administration.................................................. B. A.

Bahá’í House of Worship ........................................... B. H.W.

Bahá’í News ................................................................. B. N.

Bahá'í Procedure.......................................................... B. Pr.

Bahá’í Proofs................................................................ B. P.

Bahá’í Revelation......................................................... B. R.

Bahá’í Scriptures.......................................................... B. S.

Dawn Breakers............................................................. D. Br.

Dispensation of Bahá’u’lláh........................................ D. B.

Epistle to the Son Of the Wolf.................................... E. S. W.

Foundations Of World Unity ...................................... F. W.U.

Glad Tidings................................................................... G. T.

Golden Age Of Bahá’u’lláh ....................................... G. A.

Gleanings from Writings Of Bahá’u’lláh ................. G1.

Íqán ............................................................................... Iq.

Ishráqát......................................................................... Ish.

Issiah.............................................................................. Isa.


Kitáb-i-’Ahd.................................................................. K.I.A.

Lawr-i-Aqdas................................................................ L. A.

Mysticism and the Bahá'í Revelation........................ M. B. R.

Mysterious Forces Of Civilization ............................. M. F. C.

Persian Hidden Words................................................. P. H.W.

Prayers and Meditations ............................................. P. M

Promulgation Of Universal Peace............................. P. U. P.

Súratu'l-Haykal............................................................. S-i-H.

Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Bahá ............................................. T. A. B.

Tablet  to the Branch .................................................. T. B.

Travelers  Narrative .................................................... Tr. N.

Tablet  of Tajallíyát...................................................... Taj.

Tablet  of Tarázát ........................................................ Tar.

Tablet  of World............................................................ T. W.

Unfoldment  of World Civilizations ........................... U. W. C.

Wisdom of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá............................................. W. A. B.

Words of Paradise ....................................................... W. P.

Words Of Wisdom........................................................ W.W.

World Faith................................................................... W F.

World -Order.-of Bahá’u’lláh; .Further Considerations W.O.B.F.C.


W O R L D    O F    G O D



“Source of all Glorious Bounty”







“This plane  is unapproachable by the understanding... A.Q.  168

“Exalted beyond the grasp of minds................................ G1.     60

“World of Divinity is unlimited......................................... P.U.P. 268

“This is the ocean out of which all seas have proceeded G1.  104

“Reality of Divine World is purified from limits............. B.S.  921

“In the World of God there  is no past, no future, no present. A.Q. 179

“ ...that there should be time no longer........................... Rev.X. 6

“Comprehend what is breadth and length and height.. Eph.III, 18





“Divine Essence surrounds all things .............................. A.Q. 167

“Unseen can in no Rise incarnate His Essence.............. G1.      49

“One in His essence, one in His attributes ...................... G1.    193

“He is veiled in the ancient eternity of His essence....... Iq.        98

“Unity which is exalted above all limitations ................. G1.    261

“Inmost reality of all things............................................... Iq.        99

“Everlastingly hidden from the eyes of men................... G1.      49

“Exalted above all comparisons and likenesses,............ G1. 336-37

“Exalted ... above-the striving of mortal on to unravel Thy Mystery       G1.   3-4

“Consciousness does not reach it..................................... B S.   880

“The divine Reality is far removed from man................ B.S.   825

“The transcendental nature of the Divine Essence. ..... M.B R.  7

“Divine Being in any way  associated with His creatures , G1. 187

“Whose image  is reflected in the mirror of entire creation     G1.  166

“Proceeding through Manifestation ............................... M.B.R. 9

“The Day-Star of Glory has arisen above horizon of My Revelation       G1.   255-56

“God is Supreme Center.................................................... P.U.P. 15

“Transcendent God, the Source....................................... SI.B.R. 7,8,9

“In that center Of effulgence. .......................................... P.U.P. 268

“Habitation therein the Divine Being dwelleth is for above .....ken......     G1. 151

“The World of the World of the Kingdom  and the World

                   of Creation................................................... A~Q.(333) 339

W O R L D    O F    C O M M A N D


“Is the pure and luminous mirror which depends on the Sun of Truth '

                                                                                                (B.S. 914)



“ sanctified from time and space...and the center

  of the Sovereignty of God....................................... A.Q.     280

“Kingdom has no place, but is connected with ;man A.Q.  282

“Kingdom is the world of vision................................ B.S.     922

“The Kingdom is a magnet of the divine  world..... B.S.     883

Kingdom of God to men of perception is discernible . B.S. 846

“We opened before our faces the doors of the Kingdom.  B.S.  857

“The mirror of the earth may become the mirror of the Kingdom      B.S.  979

“Spirit of Faith, which is of the Kingdom of God  BUS.     815

“On this Day the Kingdom is God's......................... G1. 35-36

“World of the Prophets is not a revelation of the Essence M.B.R.      29

“Blessings of Kingdom of Abhá not dependent upon capacity

                                      and worthiness ..........................  B.S. 957-58



“The first thing which emanated from God is that universal

                                  reality .....First Will ................... A.Q. 237-58

 “Word is the prowl Emanation of God................. BUS.        50

“The first emotion from God is the bounty of the Kingdom A.Q.         (333) 339

“By His wish which is the Primal Will, all have stepped

                                  into realm of being........................ Iq.        98

“The first Word, sometimes called the water of life ., B.S.   60

First Sea branched out from the Sea of the Divine Essence B.S.       165

“This shower which is the first word of the Almighty B.S.     50

“One sharer of the ocean of His generosity expanded the firmament B.S.  50

“This .. individualizes  according to 

                                  capacity.... intrinsic value of things A.Q. 339



“The glory as of the only begotten of the Father St.John. I:14

“The only beg otten son which is in the bosom of the Father St.John.          I:18

“All things delivered unto me of my Father... Matt. XI.      :27

“Only begotten...the incarnate Word...................... B.R.    10-ll





“Tablet of Manifestation...................................................      B.S.  373

“The Manifestation of His Essence............................. Gl.    304

“World of Prophet ................................................. M.B.R.        29

W O R L D   O F   C O MMA N D


4. Cont'd.


“Through the Manifestations of His Divine Essence. G1.      18

'Expressions of Him Who is the invisible.................... Iq.     103

“Manifestation of God and Him Who is the invisible,. G1.  167

“Manifestation the unknowable essence as One........... G1. 167

“I am He, Himself.....I am that I am.......................... G1. 66-67

Temple of His Command in the Kingdom of emanation   Ish.  (8) 100

“Dawning-Place of highest attributes in world of emanation Ta:71    (B.S.125)

“Symbols or His divine unity ...................................... G1.        50

“Centers of the light of Reality. ............................... A.Q. 185-86

“Center of effulgences ......................................... F.W.U.        11

“In that center of effulgence constant light..prevails P.U.P. 268

“Individual realities of..Manifestation have no separation..

                                  from Lordly Splendor............... A.Q.     178

“In focal point of the solar circle there is no rising no setting P.U.P.  268

“Mouthpieces of God are the Collective Centers . P.U.P.  159

“The perfections of God refer to these Holy Manifestations A.Q.       169

“Dawning-place of Hs exalted attributes ................. G1.        70

“Every one of them is the Way of God .................... G1.        50

“Manifestations  are the Suns of Reality............... B .S .     739

“Manifestations are the dawning Places of zodiacal points F.W.U.     67

“Zodiac of stations of Sun of Truth...station of attainment

                                  of mystery of sacrifice........... T.A.B.     519

“Personality is in Manifestation--not  in essence... B.S.     921

“Attaining unto presence of God ...............................  Iq. 138-42

“The face of God Himself ...........................................  Iq.          4

'His meeting...identical with the meeting of God ..  B.S.          2

“Created before the creation of heavens and earth B.S.    387

“The spiritual cycles of the Sun of Reality............. A.Q.        86

“Twofold nature: ...spiritual born of substance  of God      G1.  66

“Divine center which is law of God and reality of His Manifestation  P.U.P.   159



“Primary Mirrors of the Divine Being...................... G1.        74

“True Mirrors of the sanctified Essence of God.... A.Q.     169

“Mirrors reflecting the Light of divine Unity..sources for

              appearance  of  ‘God doeth whatever He willeth’ Iq.97          (B.S.16)

“All besides them are ... as mirrors ... reflecting glory of Primal Mirror       G1.   74

“Image of Almighty may be reflected....................... G1.     283



“Universal Divine conscious power, not power of

                                  investigation.............................. A.Q.     253



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6. HOLY SPIRIT ......


“Holy Spirit is the divine bounties and lordly perfections, A.Q. 145-46

“Holy Spirit....luminous rays which emanate from Manifestations      A.Q. 124

“Holy Spirit and the Word are the appearance of God     A.Q. 240

“Proceeding of Word and H.S. from God ................. A.Q. 241

“Holy Spirit..thru mediation of Prophets..teaches spiritual virtues.,    W A.B.      53

“Truth is unattainable except thru favor of the H.S. B.S.   859

“Souls receive grace from bounty of H Manifestation A.Q.         146

“Man is in need of protection of Holy Spirit ............. F.W.U. 58

“Without presence of is spiritually dead .. F.W.U. 59

“Illumination of H.S. gives to man the power of thought W A.B.         52

“Unless Holy Spirit become intermediary.................. T.A.B. 591



“Christ is the central point of the Holy Spirit ........... A.Q. 135

“Descent Of H.S. upon apostles means their attraction by the

  Christ Spirit.................................................................. A.Q. 123

“The Holy Spirit is the station of the Spirit of Christ A.Q. 131

“The reality of Christ...the Word of God.................... A.Q. 136

“Divine perfections which appeared in Christ..Sp. & word A.Q.         240

“Christ is a quickening spirit........................................ A.Q. 135

“No man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.         I Cor.   12:3

 “Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made Gal. 3:16

“The Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify.. I Pet. I:II

“That Rock was Christ.................................................. I Cor. 10:4

“Divine reality of Christ was from heaven ................ P.H.P. 240

“The reality of Christ was always in heaven.............. B.S.   711

“The resurrection of Christ ......................................... A.Q. 119

“The second coming of Christ ..................................... A.Q. 126

“If Christians..investigate reality, the foundations of

  Has Holiness Christ would unite them...................... B S.  653

“When He (Jesus) came into the world He shed the splendor

  of His glory upon all created things ......................... G1.             86


8. THE WILL...

“All pervasive Will......................................................... G1.      61

“His world-pervading Will ........................................... G1.    318

“Well Springs of wisdom...generated through operation of Thy Will  G1.   3

“By virtue Of the pervasive Will................................. G1.        5

“By ..the Primal Will..all have stepped into being .... Iq.               98

“In the grasp of His Will................................................ G1.             209

“Refresh by virtue of Will of God the souls of man . G1.    295

“Every created hath  ... thru act of Divine Will been

  made  a sign of His Glory........................................... G1.    184


W O R L D    O F    C O M M A N D


8.  Cont’d.


“Thru the operation of His Supreme and exalted Will G1. 141

“From the heaven of the Will of your Lord............... G1.             332

“First Mind which people of Bahá call ‘First Will’... A.Q 237-38



“In the beginning was the Word ..................... St. JohnI:1; P.U.P. 149

“All .... is created by His Word .................................... B S.   377

“Word Of God which is indeed the cause of creation B.S. 295-96

“All embracing and Primal Word Of God................. G1.    325

“Mother Letter mother word Mother Tablet ........... G1.    142

“Sun of Truth is the Word of God ~............................ B.S.   141

“The Word of God is the collective Center................ P.U.P. 62

“That Center is the Word of God...................... F.W.U. ll). P.U.P. 90

“This is that Word from which the Orb of Grace is shining Tar. 16

“The word is the fire of God.,....................................... B.S.   142

“Loftiness and sublimity are creations of His Word G1.      73

“The Word of Thy Lord hath appeared in form of man     B.S. 39

“And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us St. John I:14

“Word is command of God .......................................... B.S.   296

“Word is the being sanctified from what was and is. B.S.   297

“Ford Of God is storehouse of all good................. W.W. (B.S. 799)

“Word of God effective both in the spirit and the body     B.S. 862

“Word of God set the heart of the world afire.......... G1          .  316

“Word of God is like unto a tree............................... BS. 65) Tub.54

“Holy Reality of the Word of God...pure, fine, shining, mirror   A.Q. 242



St. John V:26-27

For as the Father hath life in himself, so hath he given to the son to have life in himself and hath given him authority. 

V. 30. I can of mine own do nothing:  as I hear, I Judge etc.


10. WORLD OF DIVINITY.........


“World of divinity is unlimited .................................... P.U.P. 268

“Reality of divinity concealed from minds of all men A.Q. 168

“Reality of di inity is without a beginning................... B.S.   598

“Divinity...essentially means the wisdom add knowledge of God         P.U;P.  320

“Divinity is effulgence of the Sun of Reality.............. P.U.P. 320

“Reality of divinity is pure sanctity............................. A.Q.  167

“Teacher of World of Divinity...the Sun of Truth, the Word

  of God............................................................................ P.U.P. 74

“The term Sun is applied unto Prophets of God ...... Iq.               35

“Outer Sun is sign of inner and ideal Sun of Truth... P.U.P. 71


W O R L D    O F    C R E A T I O N


“Source of acquisition of lights, which is due to the Supreme Con-

Junction take from God and give to the creatures.”



“Regarding the beginning of creation ..................... B.S. 292-94

“Origin of Creation...................................................... G1.     150

“God’s creation has existed from eternity ............ G1. 1        50

“Creation is the expression of motion.................. F.WU.        85

“This endless universe has no beginning................. A.Q.     209

“Original matter..passing from one shape and form to

  another...appeared in this perfection..................... A.Q.     212

“If creation....had not been adorned with utmost perfection. A.Q.      205

“Love  is the cause of existence of all phenomena...single

                                  elements bound by power of attraction  F.W.U.    88

“There is nothing without an origin.......................... B.S. 299-301

“Conditions of existence are limited to...servitude,

                                  prophethood, Deity .................  A.Q.     267

“All living things classified under two aspects ..  P.U.P.        64



“For every being there is a point which it cannot overpass A.Q.          267

 “Worlds of God countless in nether.......................... G1. 151-52


“Worlds whose number God alone...can reckon..... G1.     104

“There must needs be other worlds besides this world G1.  158

“Worlds of God circulating around this world ....... B.S.     355

“Worlds of God are in perfect harmony and correspondence P.U.P. 264

“Worlds holy and spiritually glorious ........................ G1.     329

“Every fixed star has its planets; every planet has its

                                  creatures....................................... G1     163

“Perfection of men is entirely due to composition of atoms

                                  of the elements.......................... A.Q.     207




“My desire to be known made Me create ............... B.S.     292

“Purpose underlying whole of creation .................... G1.        65

“Object of existence is the appearance of the perfections

                                  of God ........................................ A.Q.     229

“Whole universe reflects His Glory........................... G1.     166

“Things in inmost reality testify to revelation of names and

                                  attributes of God within them .... Iq.     102

“Entrusted every created thing with sign of His knowledge G1.          262

W O R L D    O F    C R E A T I O N


4.  NATURE.................................................................... A.Q. 205-8


“Outer pictures of the world of heaven .............. P.U.P.          8

“All beings....created perfect from the first ........... A.Q.     231

“Not a single atom in entire universe...not expressive of

                                  effulgent light of His unity.......... Gl.        62

“Nature is subjected to an absolute organization.. A.Q.          3

“The organization of God is one..divine system ONE A.Q. 231

“Nature is manifestation of the will of God in apparent world B S.     302

“All things are involved in all things.................... F.W.U.        52

“In the beginning matter was one....origin one ..... A.Q.     210

“These simple single elements..are endlessly combined A.Q. 216

“Created, organized ,and perfected........................ A.Q. 205-08

“Each elemental atom....capacity to express virtues of the

                                                     universe .............. F.W.U.        58

 “ body of man is more perfect .. A.Q.     216

“Every created thing,...viewed in light of station....

                                                     ordained.................... G1.     188

 “One of requirements of nature is human ............ A Q.          4

“Intellectual power of World of NATURE is power of

                                                     investigation .......... A.Q.     253

“Man and Nature................................................... F.W.U.  48-49



“We are closer to man than his life vein................... G1.      Gl.  185

“Proceeding of human thru emanation . A.Q. 239-40

“Human reality stands....between world of animal and world

                                                     of Divinity. .............. B.S.    6O3

“The Oneness of the World of Humanity........................ P.U P.  12

“With the hands of power I made thee ........................... A H.W.           12-13

“Human World a mirror of the Word of God..... P.U.P.     145

“Divinity of God....reflects Itself in reality of Ann. A.Q.     228

“Man is the perfect mirror facing Sun of Truth, and is the

                                                     center of radiation  A.Q. 228_29

“I knew My love in thee, therefore I created thee A.H.W. 4, 5

“Station of man is great          ............ (B.S~534) K-i-A.    150

“All things of the world arise thru man and are manifest in him W.W. B.S. 142

“Reality of man is the collective reality...........................     A.Q. 228

“Collective discoverer of things.................. P.U P. 415

“Everything save man has ONE condition, but man has two  B S.     801

“World Spirit illumines minds of countless men ....  B S.     789

“Reality of the triune powers in man...............................     B S. 863

“From beginning of embryonic period he is the species of man,          A.Q, 224

“Oneness should characterize man in the realm of idealism P.U.P.    344

“The emergies...endowed the reality of man..the radiance may

                                  be obscured by worldly desires .. Gl.       66

“Makes apparent in man a hidden faculty ......... E.S.W.        26

“Reality of man embraces realities of all things ... A.Q.     291

“Spirit of man animus of human life and collective center P.U.P.        234



6.                       HUMAN POTENTIALITY


"In him are potentially revealed all the attributes and

                                  names of God to a degree ............... Iq.. 101

"Powers and attributes of man are human natures processes

                                  except intellect, which is super-natural P.UP.   46

"That which ye potentially possess be manifested only as a

                                  result of your own volition............... Gl.   49

"Potentialities inherent in station of man, the full measure

                                  of his destiny on earth ..

                                  manifested in this day....................... Gl.. 340

"Ye have deprived yourselves of the bounty of God ....  Gl. 227

"Man is sum of all degrees of imperfections..possesses

                                  degrees of perfections  ..................... A.Q. 272

"If man is left in his natural state,............................... P.U.P. 303-06

"God has created man for love's sake ................................ B.S.    563

"Man have been created to carry forward an

                                  ever-advancing  civilization ............ Gl. 215

"Attributes of the sincere the truthful,................................. B.A.      10

"Man has been created for life eternal .........                   (BS. 645) F.W.TJ.  64

"Soul…..continue to progress until it attains presence of God-     Gl. 155

"Unique distinction and capacity to know and to love Him _ Gl.    65

"If soul remains far from Manifestation he may yet be awakened A.Q.      146

"Two pathways in world of Humanity................................. FWU.   69

"Debasement appeared. after they had been created_ B.S. 342

"Deprive not yourselves of the.. .resplendent light  ...... Gl. 325

"To whatever heights...roost exalted of men may soar.

                                  product of their own thoughts ........ Gl.. 317

"Flame of fire of love...comes thru power of attraction and 

                                  not by effort and striving  ................ A..Q. 149



"Consider -the Rational Faculty..God hath endowed the

                                  essence  of man ................................. Gl. 164

"Reason a spiritual reality ............................................... B.S. 924

" its essential quality (human Spirit) ................. A.Q. 244

"The Rational Soul..has neither entered this body nor existed thru it           A.Q.                                   278

"Reflective faculty is depository of crafts, arts, and sciences W.P 58

"In beginning of his formation the mind and spirit also existed A.Q.           230

" which he is to investigate and discover Truth .. F.W.TT. 74

"Conceptions of devoutest mystics..all product of man's finite inind Gl.      62

"Place and time surround the body, not the mind and spirit A.Q  280

"Foremost among favors (vouchsafed to mankind)...

                                  is the gift of understanding.............. Gl. 194

"Seeker ...partake of such benefits as have been preordained Gl. 326

"Outer powers are five: sight, hearing, etc.. .................. A.Q. 246

"Inner powers are also FIVE:  COMMON faculty, imagination,

                                  thought, comprehension and memory A.Q.   246


7.  (Cont’d.)


"When....the stage of thought and reason has been reached,

       human mind acts as a mirror..................................... B.S. 615

"Mind is power which apprehendeth reality of things .. B.S. 863



"Essence of all Prophets is one and the same ............... Gl.   78

"I am He, and My Self is His Self .................................... Gl. 101

"Before Abraham was, I am........................................ St.John 8

"All are reflectors of reality ............................................. B.S. 652

"Any apparent variation in intensity of their light....attributed to

          varying receptivity of …world................................ Gl.   79

"I am..revelation of His own self (Báb) .......................... Gl  101

"A Being, an Essence Who shall act as a

          Manifestation and Vehicle....................................... Gl    67

"Revealers of the beauty of the All-Glorious ................ Gl.   17

"At one time..deliver me into the hands of Nimrod....... Gl.   88

"That which is reflected in the Mirrors is One Sun........ A.Q. 178

 "The Person of the Manifestation has ever been the....

       Mouthpiece of God ..................................................... Gl.   70

"All Manifestations are.. embodiments of the attributes of God.,        Iq.     107

"Holy Manifestations are dawning-places or zodiacal points F.W.U.  67

"Mirrors …are invested with invincible sovereignty..... Iq.97;Gl.       40

"Divine intellectual power is special attribute of

           Holy Manifestations ................................................ A.Q. 253

"Prophets are of two kinds, Independent and Dependent  A.Q  .188

"The Holy realities of the Manifestations

          have two spiritual positions ..................................... A.Q. 145

"Each a twofold station: essential unity ….of distinction       Iq  152

                                           Iq. 176-61: (Gl. 50-2)

"They differ only in intensity of the revelation .............. D.B. 23

"Generally speaking they have THREE stations .......... A.Q. 173

"The supreme.. .happening in the human world is the

          Manifestation of God ............................................... FWU. 104


"The attributes and perfections of God...refer to

          these Manifestations ................................................ A.Q. 169

"All besides these Manifestations live by operation of their will Gl.    179

"The Manifestation is not composed of the four elements B.S.  2

"By physical marriage of Adam and Eve the race originated B.S.      804 

"The mysteries of distinction and unity........................... Iq.      3




9.                                                                                             UNIVERSAL MANIFESTATIONSDEPENDENT

"These Suns of Truth are the universal Manifestations Iq.33(B.S.       10)

"The independent Prophets are the lawgivers and founders

          of a new cycle............................................................ A.Q. 188


9. (Cont’d)


"He does what He wishes is peculiar to the Univ. Manif. A.Q.   201

"Essential sinlessness ie peculiar to the Universal Manif   A.Q   197-99

"Christ and the Gr.Name possess some perfections which make

 other Manif’s dependent upon them ......................... A.Q. 171

"Tree of Life: the position of Word of God and Univ. Manif. A.Q.      141

"Dependent Manifestations receive bounty from Indep. Manif. A.Q. 188

"Appearance dependent "upon…certain conditions         B.S.   608



"Know that every created thing is a sign of the Revelation of God    Gl.    184

"Sign of the revelation of the Divine Being...

as a reflection of the Glory........................................... Gl.    191

"Unspeakably glorious are the signs, the Revelations          Gl   269

"Be will discover in all things the Hysterics of divine Revelation..      Iq.     196

"Contemplate.. chain of..Revelations that have linked ) Adam

              with that of the Báb ....................................... Gl.      74

"Measure of the Rev.....definitely fore-ordained  ..... Gl.      74

"Divine revelation... in proportion to their (men) spiritual capacity    Gl.    87

"Heart is the throne in which the Rev, of centered Gl.   186

"Bill for the potency of that Revelation no being could ever exist      Iq      100-101

"Love is the mystery of divine Revelations .............. T.A.B. 525

"Revelation of the prophets of God in this world must differ Gl.         79

"This education (Revelation) is of two kinds: universal...

              and other confined to them that come under shadow

              of this Name .................................................... Gl. 189-90

"Revelation..purpose and promise of all Prophets... Gl.         5

"This is the Day-Spring of the Revelation of God ... Gl.      35

"Distinguish the Words of God from the words of man   B.P.   161

"Ify.. .Revelation may be likened unto an ocean  .... Gl.    326

"All people are awaiting two Manifestations  .......... SAQ.  46



"Divine sovereignty is an ancient sovereignty .......... P.U.P. 215

"Indisputed sovereignty • He who is the Day Star of Truth Iq.   97

"That sovereignty.. is spiritual ascendancy (B«S«20)          Iq.   106-07

"This sovereignty must needs be established and revealed_ Gl. 26

"The All-Merciful is come invested with undoubted sovereignty         Gl.    40

"Believe thou hast power …to deter Him from exercising His

              sovereignty ...................................................... Gl.    220

"All revolve around that Center which is subjected to thy

"•• sovereignty............................................................... Gl.         4

"Days immediately associated with Manifestation..possess

               unique distinction ........................................... Gl     265



11. (Cont»d.)


"Divine intellectual power is special attribute of the

 Holy Manifestations  .................................................... A.Q,   253

"Centers of divine perfections..................................... B.S.    824

"Day-Springs of the divine wisdom, ........................... B.S.    314

"Essence of justice and source thereof embodied in ordinances

              by Manif.of Self of God ................................. Gl.      175

"Signs of His sovereignty encompassing all of creation        Gl. 73




"It is thru the Manifestations that the Reality becomes..

          .established for man ....................................... B.S.    739

"Purpose of God in manifesting Himself ................... Gl.      299

"Manifestations come to dispel darkness of physical nature FWU      110

"All are . .promulgators of the religion of God ......... B.S     652

"Purpose underlying the revelation of every heavenly Book Gl 206

"Nothing in the whole of creation can thwart His PURPOSE Gl.         220

"Resplendent in world of hearts ••they give spiritual life   A.Q.  185

"Mission of Prophets ••the education of World of Humanity B.S.       724

"Prophets and Messengers have come to guide

               humanity True One.................................. B.S.    741

"He sent forth holy Manifestations inspired their hearts

              instituted religions..might become means of unity B.S.  616

"Divine purpose is that men should live in unity....... F.W.U. 50

"Prophets sent...that the law of love might be promoted   B.Sr 832

"Prophets establish love and amity .... B»S.  631

"Infinite degree of love is reflected by Divine Manifestations B.S.      685

 "Manifestations of God confer general education upon humanity     P.U.P. .......................................................................................... 395

"Prophets of God are the first educators................... P.U.P 81-83

"Manifestations are the educators are trainers of World of existence         B.S........................................................................................... 605

"The perfect educator, material... human and spiritual     A.Q. 12

"Manifestations are universal educators .................. F.W.U. 56

"They are…the means of the appearance of science and arts B.S.      741

"Ancients received sciences from Prophets ............. B.S.    314

"Gardeners of the World of Humanity are the Prophets   A.Q.  226

"Each Manifestation is the heart of the world and proficient physician       B.S. ..................................................................................... 793

"Prophets ••• heal sickness of divided humanity...... .Gl.      80

"He not only gave prescriptions...but accomplished healing P.U.P.    244

"Explanation... of resurrection..time of Manifestation         B.S  550

"Are they equal who know and who do not know.... M.F.C. (69)59





"Religion is outer expression of Divine Reality......... P.U.P. 138

"Heart is...the seat of the Revelation of the All-Merciful     Gl. 186

"Foundation of the religions of God is one reality ... B.S. 632,616

"Reality of religion is one ............................................  P.U.P. 122

"Foundations of religion are one ................................ B.S.    726

"From the seed of reality Religion has grown into a tree. P.U.P.         140

"World has not discovered the reality of religion .... B.S.    965

 "Religions differ in intensity of revelation ................ D.B.     23

"Pertaineth to God Himself is the gift of Divine Revelation Gl.  195

"Different stages and constant evolution of one religion   D.B.  22

"Nature of religion......................................................... Gl.        81

"Religion.. .is an attitude toward divinity .................. B.S.    797

"By religion we mean the necessary bonds which unify      B.S. 797

"Religion is divisible into two departments ............... B.S.    726

Religion and science..founded upon premises..of reason.. P.U.P.         103

"Religion is manifest light, for protection ................. Ish. (33)125

"Religion is greatest instrument for order of world . W.P.    49

"True religion is the source of love and agreement.. F.W.U. 71

"Conflict and strife..lack of religious unity ............... F.W.U. 81

"Warfare and dissensions caused by imitations ....... B.S.    652

"If religion be cause of religion is preferable   B.S. 631

"Commandments are lamps of My loving providence._       Gl. 332

"Divine Religions... foundation of human well-being     M.F.C.  (205) 111

"If the lamp of religion remain concealed...anarchy would prevail     Ish.   (33) 125

"Unity is the expression of the loving power of God P.U.P.  12

"Basic foundation of, unity, fellowship     F.W.U. 104 14


14.          FAITH

"Conception of faith has existed from the beginning            Gl. 141

"Faith of no man can be conditioned by any one except himself         Gl.    143

"Such a state ..depend upon their faith and conduct             Gl.  170

"This is essence of Faith and servitude  .................... Gl.      338

"Principle of Faith is to lessen words and increase deeds   B.S.  159

"As ye have faith so shall your powers and blessings be     B.S.  970

"Spirit of Faith...comes from breath of Holy Spirit. A.Q.   165

"Exert thine utmost to attain unto this elixir ............ Iq.      158

"The Spirit of Faith, which is of the Kingdom .........  B.S.   815

" sign of bounty, not result of justice........... A.Q.   149

"Faith is the magnet which draws the confirmation of

              the Merciful One ............................................. T.A.B.  62

"By Faith is meant: FIRST, conscious knowledge;

               SECOND  practice of deeds   ......  (B.S. 851)   T.A.B.           549

"Healing of all the one common Faith ..... Gl.      265

"Know..who so disbelieveth in God is neither

               trustworthy nor   truthful............................... Gl.      252

"First sign of Faith is love ........................................... P.V.P. 831

"Amity and rectitude of conduct...marks of true faith          Gl.  206




"Service is the magnet which attracts the heavenly strength T.A.B.  62

" diadem of everlasting glory .................. T.A.B. 533

"Nothing will benefit, supplication... service in His Vineyard    T.A.B.............. 533

"Ye are the trees of My garden; ye must give forth...wondrous fruit  P.H.W.80

"Tie of servitude...token of His gracious favor......... Gl. 193-194

"First attraction etc. .................................................... B.S.    927




"Mystery of sacrifice .......................................... (B.S. 900) T.A.B.        65

"Sacrifice has two meanings ....................................... A.Q.   137

"Two kinds of sacrifice..physical and spiritual   ....... P.U.P. 444

"Ancient Beauty has consented to be bound with chains that

.............  mankind might be released from its bondage          Gl.  99

"Only by agency of true religion is it sacrifice

               personal benefit .................................... M.F.C. (200)109

"Desire of sanctified souls is always for sacrifice...... T.A.B. 703

"Know value...and sacrifice ourselves entirely ........ T.A.B. 663

"Sacrifice everything for each other ......................... P.U.P. 213

"Each sacrifice his life and possessions to the other"     T.A.B. 594

"Sacrifice thyself for well-being of the people .......... T.A.B. 546

"May you seek to pathway of devotion to mankind          P.U.P.        51

"Station of giving bounties...station of sacrifice ...... B.S.    958

"He who loveth father or mother more than me ..... Matt. 10:37

"By sacrificing Himself a fresh capacity was

............. infused into all created things........................ Gl.        85




"Highest object of civilization ........................... M.F.C. ( 154)84

"True civilization will raise its banner in the

              center of the world................................. M.F.C. (134)74

"Thru it (knowledge of realities of things) outward

              civilization progresses ........................... A.Q.-  (338)344

"Does this outward civilization, without true inward

              civilization, give..peace and well-being      M.F.C. (130)71

"The outward trappings of civ. without moral advancement

              may be likened unto confused dreams ......... M.F.C. (126)69-70

"True religion becomes moans of civ., fame, prosperity M.F.C. (167)91

"Human education signifies civilization and progress        A.Q.  9

"Civilization... if allowed to overlap the bounds of moderation  Gl.    542

"Man have "been created to carry forward an

.... ever-advancing civilization...................................... Gl.      215


17. (Con-bid.)


"Material and Divine Civilization P.U.P.105; .......... B.S.    757

"Until heavenly civilization is founded, no result

............. will be forthcoming,, ....................................... F.W.U. 13

"Fundamental principles of religion..influence upon

.............  a perfect civilization ...................................... A.Q. (341 )347

"Two Pathways ................................................... F.W.U. 69,71.85

"Immersed in material progress…spirituality become obscured         W.A.B.      98




"Education is of three kinds  ....................................... A.Q.       9

"Education: material, mental, spiritual...................... P.U.P. 324-25

"Education has a universal influence ........................ A.Q.   249

"Bend your minds and wills to the education of the peoples Gl.          333

"Mind is connected with acquisition of knowledge like

............. images reflected in a mirror .......................... A.Q.   124

"Training does not change the human substance ....  B.S.   935

"Three forms or planes of existence which await education, P.U.P.    74

"Material education is concerned with progress and

............. development of body ...................................... A.Q.       9

"Human education..government...trades, arts..sciences,

.............  inventions find discoveries of physical laws          A.Q. 9

"Knowledge is of two kinds: subj, and objective...... A.Q.  180

"Two kinds of knowledge: of the essence.. .and of its qualities   A.Q. 255

"Capacity is of two kinds: acquired and natural ...... A.Q.   249

"There are four accepted methods of comprehension       A.Q.  (335)541

"To acquire knowledge is incumbent upon all.        Tar.ll; Taj.  76

"No individual should be..denied Intellectual training.    P.U.P.  104

     "Object of schools..universities is to..rescue man

............. from exigencies ..of nature ............................ P.U.P. 347

 “Lack of proper education hath deprived him of that

............. which he doth inherently possess .................. Gl.      259

"In nature there is the law of survival of fittest......... P.U.P. 347

"Divine education is that of the Kingdom of God.... A.Q.       9

"Man is in need of divine education ........................... F.W.U. 77

"Divine education is of two kinds: universal etc....... Gl. 189-90

"Root of all knowledge is knowledge of God............ B.S.    160

"The knowledge of God is beyond all knowledge..... A.Q. (338) 344

"Discover the mysteries of divine knowledge............ Iq.   68-70

"Hearts must be pure.. intentions sincere.................. P.U.P. 89

"Exert your selves that the gems of knowledge ..

............. conduce .. to union of different nations........ W.P.    58

"Sanctified from every earthly affection............... Iq.         70




18. (Cont’d.)



“Woman must receive equal education with man ... B.S.    679

"Same course of education for man and woman ..... P.U.P. 170

"Education of Woman is more necessary ................. P.U.P. 129

"Conditions in past centuries due to woman's lack of opportunity      P.U.P.              129

"From spiritual point of difference between women and men.      B.S.              905

"Lack of equality "between man and woman is cause of

               human dissension............................................ P.U.P.    228

"Until these two members are equal........................... P.U.P. 73



"Every child must be instructed in sciences .............. B.S.    758

"All given knowledge of sciences and philosophy .... P.U.P. 104

"Not such sciences as begin in words and end in words      Taj.  76

"Effort toward acquisition of sciences and arts ....... F.W.U. 60

"Every father must educate his sons and daughters Ish. (36)128

"From this universal system of education ................. B.S.    574

"Schools must train the children in the principles of religion, B.S.       758



"Most important thing is to polish mirrors of hearts...... P.U.P.  12

"Until love takes possession of the heart, no other divine

              bounty can be revealed .................................. P.U.P.  13

"Power to overcome human love of God P.U.P.  65

"Third virtue of humanity is goodwill which is basis

              of good action......................................... A.Q. 346 or 340

"Need of a general power which may dominate sentiment A.Q.         345 or 339 "Qualities of spirit and heart are extremely contagious.   A.Q. 249

"When the heart, influenced by worldly desires              M.F.C.  (134)-74

"Fruit of human existence is the LOVE of GOD ..... A.Q. (339) 345

"Well-being of mankind..unattainable unless ..its unity is established           Gl              286

"Hearts mist be pure -intentions sincere ................... P.U.P. 89

"This means the Oneness of world of humanity P.U.P.         12

"Steadfastness in Cause of God and His love .......... Taj       75

"Thine eye is My trust, thine heart is my treasury.... Gl       522

"walk not with the ungodly ......................................... P.H.W 57

"Man should know own self ........................................ Tar,        5

"Piety •••its hosts pleasing morals and pure deeds... Ish. (28)120

"Good character surpasses the light of the sun......... Tar.        7

"Strive that your deeds be cleansed from dust of self    P.H.W.  69

"Purpose of one true God_.......................................... GL.    299

"We exhort •them to equity ••• honesty..................... W.P.    65

"Quench the thirst of heedlessness.............................. GL.    323

“Be forbearing one with another................................. P.H.W. 48

"Do not allow difference of opinion …to separate you. W.A.B. 47

"Beware lest ye offend …or sadden the heart.......... T.A.B.  45

"Put away all covetness and seek contentment........ P.H.W. 50



18. (Cont’d.)


"Exhorts people.. .to forbearance and benevolence Tar.        7

"Courtesy,., is the lord of all virtues ........................... T.W.     27

"Atone for your failures in duty towards Him .......... Gl 293

"Twofold obligation..,steadfastness...observance of the laws Gl.         289

"In moment of catastrophe find patience, resignation and submission        T.A.B.              45

"These twin duties...recognition of Him., .observe every ordinance    Gl.    331

"Sign of love is fortitude,...and patience ................... A.H.W. 48

"Let acts be a guide unto all humanity ...................... Gl.      305

"Beloved of God must be essence of purity and holiness T.A.B.          22

"It is strive to attain shores of this ocean.... Gl.     326

"By good deeds, pure lives, humility and meekness

              be a lesson to others........................................ T.A.B.  23

"Helper of the Cause is deeds...assistant is good character T.W.         25

"Victorious hosts are worthy deeds and morals........ Ish. (35)127

"Breathe not the sins of others ................................... A.H.W. 27


19.                      TEACHERS    TEACHINGS

"Confer your energies in propagation of the Faith . Gl.      196

"Endeavor •••to spread the Divine teachings........... T.A.B.  36

"Gird up loins of endeavor .......................................... Gl.      339

"Arise...admonish then the people. Be patient.......... Gl.      296 

"This is the day of teaching.......................................... T.A.B.  28

"Unloose your tongues and proclaim unceasingly His Cause Gl. 330

"Unto everyone the duty of teaching His Cause ...... Gl.     335

"Subdue the cities of the hearts by the sword of wisdom B.S.(p.109) 42

"Pen of the Most High hath decreed.. .obligation to teach  Gl.  314 

"MaJce him aware of the truth with kindly manner ............ Gl.  279

"This is the nature of the faithful..,who instruct........ T.A.B. 285

"Their sustenance and food must consist of teachings (B.S.982)A.S.M.      9

"Not sit inactive for one moment ..................... (B.S.975) A.S.U.         57

"As to souls who are preaching the Word of God.... B.S.    898

"Must first be delivered from all attachments........... T.A.B. 358 

" condition of utmost severence ........  (B.S .977) A.S.M.      43

"Souls who are free from ties of this world ............... T.A.B. 418

"If one arise …with pure heart.. Lord of Hosts will assist T.A.B.         548 "Ideal forces and confirmations will rush to his support ..... (B.S.985) A.S.M.        22

"God will inspire whosoever detacheth himself from all else but Him Gl.    314 "Divine assistance encompasseth those who deliver the Message       T.A.B.               590 "Who consecrate themselves …accompanied T.A.B.               526

"Matter of teaching requires greatest condition....... T.A.B. 359 "To guide the souls, it is incumbent, be firm................................. T.A.B. 619

"Teachers ••must be heavenly, lordly and radiant. . (B.S. 979)A.S.M.        48




19. (Cont’d)



"Teachers must divest themselves from old garments .B.S.981)A.S.M.       53

"Play the melody of international conciliation (B.S.977 )A.S.M.         43

"If these teachers be in utmost state of attraction (B.S.976)A.S.M.   40

"Intention of teacher must be pure, heart independent (B.S.p.543)A.S.M.  25

 "Whoso ariseth..,let him, above all, teach his own self  A.S.M. 5

 "Teaching containeth power of a magnet...

              it attracteth the mysteries of God................. T.A.B. 725

"If wishing for confirmation of H.S« become engaged in teaching     T.A.B.              557

"Every soul who ariseth today...the Holy Spirit will

              inspire with evidences proof and facts.......... T.A.B. 707

"Evince in their attitude toward God humility and submissiveness     Gl.    7

"Wholly for the sake of God he should proclaim Massage   Gl.  539


“To understand the teachings regarding the Truth

              is absolutely required ...................................... T.A.B 279

 "Consider profoundly.. .that thou mayest apprehend, their realities  T.A.B.              455

"Act in accord with teachings of the Beauty of Abha    T.A.B.  125

"Encourage..that they may live and act in accord •with teachings     T.A.B.              304

"Essence of teachings, universal love ................... T.A.B 544

"Teachings...penetrative power in reality of man .... T.A.B. 540

"The greatest bestowals of God are His teachings... P.U.P.  58

"The divine teachings are truth and reality .............. P.U.P.  58

"First teaching is investigation of reality .................. P.U.P. 175

"Teachings are universal and standard for human action P.U.P.         150

"This is due to the divine teachings............................. P.U.P. 116

"First principle of divine love................ P.U.P     6

"Teachings,.essence or spirit of this new age ........... P.U.P. 425

"Special teachings of Bahá’u’lláh............................... P.U.P. 449

"Teachings of Bahá’u’lláh 'boundless in benefit to mankind P.U.P.   430

"Teachings which embody..spirit of the age are ...... P.U.P. 435

"My instructions .. .the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh ..... P.U.P 448




"Reward and retribution, two fountains for the life of the people       Ish.(37)              129

"Order of the world•••established on two pillars...... Ish.(34) l26

"Structure of the world stability and order.. sustained

              by twin pillars of reward and punishment_ . Gl.      219

"Promise and threat, fear and hope . . foundation of order of world  W.P.               51,53

"Paradiae and hell of existence are found in all the worlds of God     A.Q. 259-61

"Nearness depends upon clearness, purity, perfection        B.S.  921




20. (Cont’d.)

"Blessings of the Kingdom of Abha are not dependent

              upon capacity and worthiness ....................... B.S.    957 

" of soul ................. B.S.    927 

"Fear of God is weapon that can render him victorious       Gl. 272 

"Harvest...of man's conduct is gathered in heavenly realm B.S.         788 

"When true seeker determines to take the step ....... Iq.      192

"He shall increase the reward of them that endure with patience       Gl.    129 "Rewards of other world are eternal life..eternal bounties A.Q. 260-61

"Reward of this life are the virtues and perfections

              which adorn the reality of man...................... A.Q. 259-61

"He who shall accept and believe shall receive his reward   Gl. 359

"Reward to whosoever will turn away from wickedness      Gl.  117 "Trustworthiness..reward to whomsoever clings thereto Teh. (29)     121 "Trustworthiness is greatest door to security and tranquility Tar.       8 "Forbearance and benevolence..are two lights for the

               darkness of the world .................................... Tar.        7

"Thru meekness is man elevated to the heaven of power W.P.  49

"Blessed are they who hold fast to..compassion and kindness Tar.      7

"In the first life (this)..paradise is pleasing God ........ B.S.358-360

"Whoso disbelieveth in God, is neither trustworthy nor truthful          Gl.    232

"Gift of guidance .......................................................... B .S. 800; 933

"Divine nearness is an unlimited nearness ................ B.S.    921



"Beware that ye divest not yourself of...divine guidance      Gl. 258

"Who shall turn away..shall receive ..his own punishment    Gl. 339

"If ye believe not ye yourselves will suffer................. Gl.      148

"Beware lest numbered with the infidels ....... Gl.      281

"Beware... lest ye walk the ways of them whose words

              differ from their deeds ................................... Gl.      305

"Atone for your failure in duties towards Him ......... Gl.      293

“Waywardness of heart that removeth it far from God        Gl. 186

"Entangled themselves with their idle fancies........... Gl.     204

"Ye have thereby deprived yourselves of the bounty of God Gl. 227

"Deprive not yourselves of the unfading... Light...... Gl.      325

"Lest the fierce winds of disobedience extinguish its light.   Gl.  167

"Called to account for his failure ............................... Gl.      143

"Lost both this world, and the world to come........... Gl.     209

"Divine chastisement shall assail you from every direction  Gl.  252

"Suffer not..your stain sanctity of so lofty a station       Gl.    327

"Tempter.. subtle serpent of the mind ....................... B.S     936

"God does not tempt us. God tests us......................... B.S     959

"Fate and predestination are of two irrevocable Gl. 153

"Its (spirit) raiment is the fear of God........................ Gl.      291

"God will forget them even as they have ignored His Presence.         Iq.     256

"Sentence of His justice be pronounced against you Gl.      252

"Blindness is cause of everlasting banishment from God A.Q.  146

"Vitality of mans belief in God is dying out .............. Gl.      200




"How severe is the chastisement  ............................... Gl.     214

"Grievous retribution awaiteth you  .......................... P.H.W. 63

"Cause grievous affliction to assail you .................... Gl.      214

"So shall the blasts of His chastisement beat upon you         Gl.  209

"No protect you in this Day from, wrath of God.,unless          Gl.    257

"Rod -with which I can chastise the wicked is grievous,       Gl.  325



"The wisdom of prayer ................................................ T.A.B. 683

"Whither shall we turn in prayer ................................ T.A.B. 337

"Know that prayer is indispensable and obligatory  A.B.   683

" that attitude of supplication and prayer

               may be realized more often........................... T.A.B. 522

"Pray in behalf of all and entreat God for forgiveness

              and bounty for all............................................. T.A.B. 45

"Angels of the kingdom pray for maid servants....... T.A.B. 272

"Prayer and fasting cause awakening........................ T.A.B. 684

"If thou desirest that God may open thy (spiritual) eye T.A.B.676      

"As to obligatory Prayer: Each one must say his prayer alone T.A.B.        464 "Much prayer is needed so that God may help and protect T.A.B.      494

"Prayer and supplication are two wings.................... B.S.   796

"Not well for us if all prayers were answered............ B.S.    715 

"Two ways of healing first, remedies …

              second, prayers and turning to God.............. T.A.B. 654


"The sinner...must beg for God’s forgiveness and pardon G.T.  654

"At the dawn of every day he (man) should commune with God        Gl.    86    

"Whoso openeth his lips. ..and maketh mention of name of his Lord Gl.    265

"Whoso reciteth, in privacy of his chamber,

              the verses revealed by God ........................... Gl.      280

"Be firm in worship of God, fasting, praying ............ T.A.B. 104

"Endeavor and pray God*...that firmness and steadfastness may grow      T.A.B.              168

"Persevere in prayer to thy Lord................................ T.A.B. 639

"It is incumbent... to pray, supplicate......................... T.A.B. 695

"It is incumbent upon you,. implore God ............ T.A.B.    4

"Supplicate and pray Him to make thee

               conqueror over material things ................... T.A.B. 247

"Ask assistance from Kingdom of Abha ................... T.A.B. 642

"Neglect not praying and communing... midnight and morn and eve           T.A.B.              413

"He answers prayers potentially ................................. P.U.P. 241

"God will answer prayer...if.. .urgent ......................... P.U.P. 241

"Decree that is impending, entreaty can succeed in averting  Gl.       133



"Ye Bust be born again................................................ Iq.      118

"Second birth..its accomplishment..thru baptism of Holy Spirit          B.S.  699 "Rebirth of spirit of man is thru Science of love of God,    B.S. 699

“Then Prophets appear ..minds, hearts ….reformed B.S.    700 



23. (Cont'd.) 


"Return", "Rebirth". "Resurrection" ...................... Iq.     15G

"Whoso hath been reborn in this day ......................... Gl.      215

"Re-oreation and re-birth are progress in stages of divine perfections        W.F. 25 

"Intelligent man ...considers himself with modesty .. E.S.W. 35



"Realm of immortality  ................................................ Gl.      141

"Eternal Life.................................................... T.A.B. 421,453,543,550

"Reality of immortal and everlasting .......... P.U.P. 237

"Human spirit or reality, .wholly above combination and composition               P.U.P.254

"Human spirit is simple, single and not composed.... P.U.P. 300

"The Spirit of man. .does not "belong to the elemental world P.U.P. 502 "Universal love ...cause of eternal life........................ T.A.B. 544

"A reality which grants -unto man eternal life ......... B.S.    736

"Meaning of eternal life is gift of the Holy Spirit ..... A.Q.   281

"logical proof of immortality ...................................... A.Q.   261

"Immortal human soul is endowed with TWO means of perception   P.U.P.              410-13 "Immortality, a contingent and not an absolute existence      Gl.              157 "Union with God is meant.. merge their will

              wholly in the Will of God................................ Gl.     337

"Drink of the soft lowing river of immortality........... Gl.        35

"Only he who has opened the eye of reality............... B.S.    839

"Males haste ..while there is yet time ......................... IQ         23

"We have a fixed time for you .................................... Gl.      214

"Kingdom of life everlasting, it must be attained here_ P.U.P. 221

"No man can obtain everlasting life unless ............... Gl.      183

"Take...chalice of immortal life .................................. P.H.W. 62

"Free thyself from the veils of idle fancies

              fit for everlasting life....................................... A.H.W. 63

"Shouldst thou attain this station thou wouldst be

               freed from destruction and death ................ P.H.W. 70

"All men shall after their physical death estimate

              worth of their deeds ........................................ Gl.      171

"Contingent perfections are unlimited. ..................... A.Q.   267

"After departing this world. .paradises which have no likeness ...       B.S,  359

"Worlds of God circulating around this world.......... B.S.    555

"Bartered away immnortality for that which perisheth        Gl.  181

"Leave them to perish on the dust of extinction....... Gl.      285

"Total annihilation is an impossibility......................... B.S.    717

"As to life ••no beginning nor •will it have any end.. B.S.    787

"State of soul after separation from body................. Gl.      161



"He Whom God shall make manifest"



"And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed............ Isa.   40:5

"Behold ye the coming of the Glory .......................... D.B.     16

"And the Lord shall cause his glorious voice to be heard    Isa•  30:30

"Our eyes shall see our teacher................................... Isa. 30:20

"The Lord shall be Lord and name one.. Zeoh. 14:9

“And his breath, sift the nations .......................... Isa. 30:28 

"After three days and a half............................... (Revels 11) A.Q.        61

"(God) arisen to proclaim in person His Cause ........ Gl.        75 

"Fulfilled Thy Covenant and sent forth Him............. Ish . ( 21)  115

"This is the voice of God .............................................. G1.       33

"The King of Kings, the Lord of lords........................ I Tim. 6:15

"The King of Kings hath appeared ............................ Gl.      211

"He is the One whose manifestation was announced

              by the Books of God ............................. (B.S.125) Taj. 71

"The one who hath come from the heaven

              of pre-existence.                                           Taj.72 (B.S. 127)

"The Promised One of all the nations......................... B.S.    582

"This is He Whom God promised in all His books ... T.A.B. 614

"He, the Promised One is come .................................. D.B.    12

"The promise of all ages is now fulfilled .................... D.B.     15

"Glory of God did lighten it... ...................................... Rev. 21:23

"Crowned Himself with the Glory of God»s Revelation       Gl.  319

"The designation *Seal of the Prophets*…

              demonstrates its high station......................... D.B.     15

"At the time of the end many shall run to and fro ... Dan. 12:4

"The harvest is the end of the world .......................... Mat. 13:39,43

"He Who hath ushered in the LAST Hour................. Gl,      211

"Promised dispensation ............................................... Iq          22

"Sign of the completion of the NINTH YEAR. ........ D.B.     22

"That which hath been revealed unto MIHDI .......... Gl.      114

"Imam Husayn.. after appearance of Qa'im ............ Gl.        12

"After the Qa’im, the Qayyam will be made •manifest   D. Br. 41-2



"Verily there is no God but Me.................................... B.S.      99

"Verily I am God............................................................ B.S    415

"Who representeth the God-Head in..World of Creation     Gl. 351

"This is the Mystery of God, …the Command of

              God and His Glory ................................... S-i-H. 10(B.S. 394)

"There is no God but Me, the Lord of all things....... Taj.      78

"He Who is the Mouthpiece of God............................ Gl.      108

"Naught is seen in My Temple but the Temple of God       D.B. 17

"I have manifested Myself unto men the proof of His own person      Gl.    49

"The face of God Himself............................................. Iq.           4

"This is the Voice of God, if ye do but harken........... Gl.       35

"He is a Manifestation in His Identity......................... B.S.    579



2, (Cont'd,)

"Nothing is seen in My Temple, but the

              Temple of God........................................ (B.S,414)S.i-H 29

"In My Soul but the Truth and in Myself.,.but God ... (D.B.17) S-i-H  30

"Mystery of Oneness of the Ancient Identity,

              the eternal Essence ......................................... B.S     375

"0 Thou Remnant of God ............................................ D.B.       9

"The reflection of His Glory unto all .......................... Gl.      104 

"Behold ye the coining of the Glory ........................... D.B.     16

"I am the All-Bountiful, the Ancient of Days ........... U.W.C. 46

"He who is both the beginning and the end ••is now manifest Gl         168

"Orb of Oneness shone forth from* • •heaven of utterance Ish. (9) 101

"King of the names and attributes of God ................ Gl.        28

"He is the Dawning-Place of commands and ordinances    Ish.  (15)l07

"In my power but the power of God........................... B.S.    427

"Finally behold how in this day.................................... D.B.     26

"Divine Manifestations give up ail personal conditions      B.S.  958

"Love of Him Who is the Manifestation of His Essence.      Gl.  304

"Blessed is the dead who is quickened by My breaths (B.S.49 p.l25)LA      166

"Attributes identical with essence............................... A.Q.  170




"Whenever this Youth turneth His eyes towards His own self Gl.        102

"Thou hast breathed Thy Breath into MB and

              divorced me from mine ownself.................... Gl.        90

"I was asleep on My couch .......................................... Gl.        90

"He it is Who overshadowed Me with His protection           Gl.  37

"0 Most Exalted Pen...Bestir thyself........................... Gl.        27

"How can I make mention of Thee ............................ Gl.          3

"The mysteries of distinction and unity ..................... Iq.         21

"Dost thou imagine . that I hold -within my grasp

              the ultimate destiny of the Cause of God..... Gl.      219

"Woes and trials Thou hast destined for myself........ D.B.     26



"Come from the Heaven of Pre-existence

               with the Greatest Name....................... Taj.72 (B.S. 127)

"He Who is the Most Great Name hath been sent down U.W.C 5

"He Who is the Hidden Name was revealed.............. Gl.     120

"Appearance of the Greatest Name .......................... B.S.    527

"The Most Great Name beareth Me witness............. Gl.      516

"Thru the power of the MDSI Great Name............... Gl.      555

"Thy Name, a name which will remain concealed.... P.M.     94

"Greatest Name*. Invisible One, Concealed Mystery         Taj.  74

"Arm thyself with the power of the Most Great Name_ (B.S .304) Gl.         28

"Potency infused into all created things. .consequence of

              revelation of this most blessed Name........... Gl.      189

"Established His sovereignty..thru power of His Name U.W.C.  46


4. (Cont’d.)


"No great difference between Greatest Name and name of Adam     B.S.  804

"These Prophets ..revealers of ..attributes and names of God...          M.B.R.      30

"Unites! One Who is expressive of the Greatest Name Ish, (4) 96

"Wondrous achievements..consequences of

               Revelation of this Name ............................... Gl.      142

"Knowledge of King of Pre-existence.. .attained by

              knowing Greatest Name..                           Taj.74 (B.S.   128)

"Two forms of Covenant ............................................. B.N. 80, p.5

"Second form is to establish, •succession of Lights . B.N. 80 p.5 5.



"We have sent down unto thee the Book, ................. Iq. 91 (B.S.15)

"Proof and Power of Mission ..................................... P.IT.P. 335

"Proofs demonstrating the truth of this Revelation. Iq.      221

"Spiritual proofs............................................................. A.Q.     83

"A new life.... stirring within peoples of the earth .... U.W.C. 42

"New teachings applicable to present conditions..... P.W.U. 72-73

"Bahá’u’lláh has revealed principles and laws ........ F.W.U. 37

   "Great spiritual discoveries are being made .......... F.W.U. 16

"A new heaven and a new 65:17) (Rev.21:1)     A.Q.  77-78

"Instructions regarding every question confronting humanity F.W.U.          39

"The appearance of Bahá’u’lláh was like a new Springtime A.Q.       166

"Best Beloved................................................................ N.N.   190

 "Desire of God is never restricted to limits of the servants Ish.(14)    106

 "Amongst the proofs demonstrating truth of this Revelation Gl.        179

 "Tongue of Power and Glory  .................................... D.Br. 293

   "Opened the door of minds and souls thru key of

               the Supreme Pen ..................................... (B.S. 58) T.W.          27

"Thru Supreme Pen a new life of significances...

     into body of words..................................................... T.W.     23

"Source of your creation.............................................. Gl.      325

"Him Who is the object of all knowledge................... Gl.      199

"Dawning-Place of highest attributes in

              World of Emanation ............................. Taj.71 (B.S.125)

"This is that Word.......................................................... Tar.      16

"Divine summons issued from the Throne of Glory.. D.B.     20

"In mine hand I carry the testimony of God ............. Gl.      281

"Appearance dependent upon realization of certain conditions B.S.  608

"The fates of all things were ordained in this Temple         B.S.  413

"All these worlds have their position from this Manif         B.S.  382

"The elixir of His potent Revelation .......................... U.W.C. 21

"Counsels...revealed.animating power for advancement of world      Gl.    93

"Such are evidences of might of God......................... D.B.     18

"Different claimants ..................................................... B.P, 56-59

"Ordained this TempIe the beginning, of the new creation.. B.S.         399

"Breathed a new life into every human frame.......... D.B.     15

"In this mighty Revelation.. Dispensations of the

               past attained..their final consumination...... Gl.      540


5. (Cont»d.)


"Divine Cause for universal good...cannot be limited         B.S 955

"Prophets...have established such signs as would

............. herald the advent of the future Dispensation.           Iq.  13

"Ere long the evidences of this regeneration will be revealed U.W.C.          9

"The conflagration...will envelope the whole earth . D.B.     19

"Barter not away this Youth...for vanities of this world       Gl.  38

"So tremendous is outpouring.. in this Dispensation G.A.     15

"I manifest... measure — God has bidden me reveal......... G.A.  12




"Most Great Infallibility applied to One .................... Ish. (l2)l04

"He has taken to Himself no associate ...................... Ish. (14)l06

"Most Great Infallibility is a cuirass of the Temple of Command        Ish.   (8-9)100-01

"Infallibility is true of one whom God hath guarded against error      Ish .  (12) 104

"Under the protection of God; this is called conferred infallibility      A.Q. 199




"The Bayan deriveth all its glory from *Him Whom

....  God shall make manifest......................................... D.B.       8

"To be revealed by Him Whom God shall make Manifest D.B.  8

"The Faith of Him Whom God shall make manifest          D.B. 25

"In every world He appears according to the

....  capacity of that world ............................................. B.S.    382

"Signs and tokens ......................................................... B.P.   284

"Best Beloved is come. ................................................ Gl.      319

"The eternal Truth has now come .............................. Gl.        60

"Culmination of a cycle................................................ D.B.    11

"He who is your Lord, the All-Merciful ..................... U.W.C. 43

"Thru Him...wisdom hath flowed from the presence of God Taj.         71

"Day-Star of Glory risen above horizon of my Revelation   Gl.  255-56

"Dispensation inaugurated by Blessed Beauty......... D.B.     18

"Hy body is imprisoned for the salvation of your souls (B.S .49)         L.A. 160

"Do ye flee from Him who hath redeemed

............. His Soul for your lives                                LA. 158 (B.S. 49)

"Ancient Beauty hath consented to be bound with chains   Gl.  99-100

"He hath crowned Himself xith the Glory of God's revelation Gl.       319

"True physician is debarred from administering the remedy U.W.C.   34

"All created things have their degree or stage of maturity U.W.C.     4

“What but …..His potent Revelation can cleanse and revive it  U.W.C.      21

"Let all eyes rejoice, let every ear be gladdened_.... Gl.      319





"Appearance of a subsequent Manifestation ........... B.P.   198

"The adherents of every extant religion believe in...return.. B.P.        280

"Manifestation of our Beauty in its subsequent revelation   Gl.  293

"1 am the return of all the Prophets .......................... Iq.      154

"The mystic "return" of the Words of God .............. Iq.      159

"The "first" and the "last have risen to proclaim

              one and the same Faith.................................. Iq.      161

"These Mirrors will everlastingly succeed each other           Gl.  74

"They that reflect their glory will., .continuo to exist,            Gl. 74

"God has sent down His M9ssengers...and will continue to do so        D.B. 24

"Successive revelation,,  linked the manifestation of

              Adam with that of the Báb ............................ Gl.        74

"When this process of progressive revelation culminated    Gl.  75

"Once in a thousand years shall this CITY be renewed        Gl.  269-70

"Concerning the Manifestations that will come in the future D.B.       19

"Ages...ere Day-Star of Truth shineth again

     vernal glory                                      U.W.C. 7(D.B. 18)

"My fears are for Him..,who will come after MB .... D.B.     25

"Those who shall come after Him till the end that hath no end  Gl.    75

"To believe that all revelation is ended...................... D.B.     23

"The Word of God has never ceased to descend upon the world        B.S.  297

"No cessation whatsoever in the future for

              appearance of Manifestations ...................... B.S     739

"That the names of some are forgotten .................... Gl.      174

"Many cataclysms have.. .effaced the traces of many events Gl.         174


9. ...CYCLES


"Cycle of Sun of Reality has its distinct and successive periods P.U.P.        91

"It hath appearance, arising, manifestation and setting in                                         each of cycles.................................................................. T.A.B. 138

"Spiritual cycles of Sun of Reality are like.. .material sun A.Q.  86

"In every age and cycle He hath recreated all things            Gl.  62

"The Prophetic cycle hath ended................................ Gl.        60

"Culmination of a cycle ............................................... D.B.     11

"A universal cycle …signifies a long duration of time        A.Q.  184

"Universal Cycles ......................................................... A.Q.   183

"We are in cycle that began -with Adam and

              its universal Manifestation is Bahá’u’lláh.... A.Q.   184

"Bahá’í cycle... extend over a period of..500,000 years     D.B. 10

"Whatsoever is latent in...this holy cycle shall gradually appear          D.B.  19





"In that Day He shall be called God                                 Is.      25:9

"Day of God is He Himself, Who hath "appeared         B.S.    421

"This Day, the Day of God Himself                                  Gl.        13

"Rise of God Himself thru all-embracing Revelation (B.S. 26) Iq.  143

"The Day of God                                                                 B.S.    551

"Day in which mankind can behold the Face and hear

                   the Voice of the Promised One                       Gl.        10

"Allusions in Scriptures as Day of God                            Gl.        11

"The breeze announcing the Day of God                         Gl.        28

"The Day promised to you in all Scriptures is now come           Gl.  314

"Day wherein the Speaker of the Mount is established

                   upon Throne of Manifestation.                       Ish. (11)103

"All glory be to this Day                                                     Gl.        14

"Achieve that which beseemeth this Day" of God         Gl.      196

"Such a gift can only be manifested in the Days of "God         Gl.  263

"Jubilee that must greet this Most Great Day of God    D-B.    14

"This is the King of days                                                     U.W.C.  7

"On this Day the Kingdom is God’s                                 Gl.        35





"After three days and a half (Rev .XI:II)................... A.Q.     61

"The second woe is past (Rev .XI: 14)....................... A.Q.     65

"And she being with child cried                           Rev. 12:2)A.Q. 79

"Child caught up unto God. ( Rev, 20:5)................... A.Q.     81

"Because of the despotism of the dragon  ................ A.Q. 79-81

"Send down One of my descendants ......................... U.W.C. 19

"Qa’im will reveal,.. .twenty and five letters     W.O.B.F.C.  13

"Qa’im, (the Promised one among the Shiites) ........ B.S.    463

"When the Qa»im ariseth, that is the Day of Resurrection.  Iq.  144

"Youth from Bani-Hashim. ......................................... Iq       241

"Fourth Support. (note) Tr .N.242;............................ D.B.     34

"After the appearance of the Qa’im  ......................... Gl.        12

"Qa’im...reveal the law and ordinances of former dispensation          Iq.     245-47




"No distinction do we make between any of His Messengers Iq.         152

"Though the same yet….in each a separate

              designation, a specific attribute........... (B.S.9) Iq.    21

"Had the Primal Point been someone beside MB ... D.B.     46

"Mine own previous Manifestation  ........................... D.B.     32

"Between Bahá’u’lláh and the Báb there was communication B.S. 587

"Fresh revelation of the Divine Spirit......................... Gl.        96

"Prepare the way for the Revelation which is yet to follow D.B.          25




"The Báb is the Morn of Truth ................................... D.B.     35

"I am the Primal Point from which generated all things    D.B.  34

"As a sacrifice in the path of the Primal Point ......... (D.B.33) Iq.        252

"Point went round through every sign......... Ish,3-5 (B.S. 498)




"Báb  was the Morning Star.,heralding the Sun of Reality B.S.  582; 584

"Now hear what My Forerunner announced............ B.S.    463

"The Herald hath cried ................................................ Gl.        43

"Divine call of the celestial Herald ............................. Iq.      239

"Point.....Herald in His Kama .................. (B.S.501) Ish.(5)  97

"In the year sixty............................................................ Gl.        96

"Twofold station............................................................ D.B.     51






"Sovereignty attributed to Qa’ a reality ......... Iq. 106-07

"I am one of the sustaining pillars of the Primal Word      D.B.  34

"Sovereignty and power emanating from that Essence of Essences   Iq.     234

"Character of Qa’im (proofs) ..................................... Iq. 245-47

"Constancy of Eternal Beauty in proclaiming Faith of God Iq, 230

"Twenty and five letters made manifest ................... D.B.     53

"Báb revealed ordinances..dependent upon (Our) acceptance Ish.     (41)133

"By appearance of Bahá’u’lláh and Báb the spiritual

               generation had its origin................................ B.S.    804

"Signs of His sovereignty encompassing all creation            Gl.  73




Collective name which -will gather all the people" (T.A.B. 20)



          "A Branch shall grow out of his root Isa.XI:l-10;          A.Q. 72-76

          "Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the Temple of it Rev .XXI:       22-23

          "There was seen in His Temple the ark of his testament Rev, XI:   19

          "The meaning of the Testament and Covenant

                   will become evident......................................... A.Q. 70 2.



          "Branch of Command hath sprung forth from

                    this Root (B.S.529) ........................................ T.B.   142

          "Branch of Holiness, Sacred Temple of ABHA

                   hath branched forth from Sadratu'1-Muntaha      T.B.  142

          "Limb of the Law of God hath sprung forth from this Root D.B.  43

          "Moon of the Central Orb of this Dispensation.... D.B.     42

          "I am the servant of Baha’u’llah ........................... P.U.P. 161

          "My station is the station of servitude................... D.B.     41

          "My throne is my mat .............................................. B.S.848

          "Elevated to station which encompasses

                   all existence (B.S.529) .................................... T.B.   142

          "Mention me in my pure servitude, ....................... T.A.B. 604




          "Above and beyond all...the Mystery of God ....... D.B.     42

          "Whom God hath purposed.................................... (B.S.540) K-i-A.152 (D.B.          42)

          "Him around whom all names revolve.................. D.B.     42

          "The word of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.. .is a hidden mystery          B.S.  835

          "Most great favor...and most perfect blessing

          upon you (B.S.529) .................................................. T.B.   145




"Most great characteristic…appointment of Center of Covenant P.U.P.451-55

          "Center and Pivot of Bahá’u’lláh’s peerless Covenant D.B.  42

          "Center of the Covenant, the Interpreter of His Word D.B. 44

          "Obey an appointed Center of the Covenant....... P.U.P. 579

          "Covenant the Master made with Bahá’ís........... B.N. 80,p.5

          "Appointed the Center or Expounder of the Book     P.U.P. 517

          "He is the explainer of My Book and the Center

                   of My Testament.............................................. P.U.P. 576

          "Commentator is the interpreter of the Words.... B.S.    550


‘A B D U ‘ L-B A H A




          "One standard which is the divine Branch  .......... A.Q.     76

          "Turn for what ye do not the Branch    B.S.  547

          " him who hath branched from this Mighty Stock D.B.  42

          "Most Mighty Branch of God ................................ D.B.     44




          "Mainspring of the unity of the human world  D.B.42) T.A.B.        433

          "Holds a cup full of the knowledge of God........... T.A.B. 105

          "We have made Thee a shelter for all mankind... D.B.     43

          "Lamp of universal salvation ................................. T.A.B. 430

          "Ransom to each one of the believers of God...... T.A.B. 433

          "Illumine the world thru Thy knowledge and wisdom    D.B. 43

          "Every mouldering bone quickened      (B.S. 529)          T.B.  143  

          "All nations and kindreds gathered together........ U.W.C. 44

"Finn assistant thru the help and providence of

          the Lord of Hosts............................................. T.A.B.  27

"Fragrances of humbleness diffused from heart

          of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá............................................... T.A.B.    2




          "The Will acclaimed spring resulting

                    from that mystic intercourse......................... D.B.     52

          "Instrument...viewed as the Charter of the

                   New World Order,........................................... D.B.     52



"The Administrative Order of Bahá’u’lláh is divine in origin"


I.                  SOURCE..AUTHORITY

          "Well is it with him who fixeth his gaze upon

                   Order of Bahá’u’lláh....................................... D.B. 54-55

          "Source from which it derives its inspiration is Bahá’u’lláh,  D.B.  64

          "Verily He is Myself; the Shining-Place of My Identity. B.S. 527

          "Source and transmission of authority.................. B.N. 37:1-2

          "Will and Testament of ‘Abdu’1-Baha ..with

                    the Kitab-i-Aqdas .......................................... W.O.B. 3-4

          "TJnto the Most Holy Book...and Universal House of Justice        B.A.  11

          "Laws that govern its operation ............................ D.B.     64

          "Are ye hidden from Myself because of

                   My Name? (B.S.49.p,124).............................. L.A.   157

          "We have opened unto you the Gates of

                   the Kingdom (B.S, p. 125) ............................. L.A.  159



          "The Branch of Command has sprung forth from this Root  T.B. 142

          "Emphasis He placed upon the heredity principle and

                   law of primogeniture....................................... D.B.     55

          "Axis round which its institutions revolve..

                   Will and Testament ........................................ D.B.     64

          "Administrative Order..may be considered

                   framework of Will............................................ D.B.     52

          "Him Whom God hath purposed (B.S .540) ........ K-i-A. 152

          "Each and every one look to the Greatest Branch.. (B .3.540)       K-i-A.152



          "Primal Branch of the Divine and Sacred Lote-Tree    B.A.  5, 6

          "Guardian of the Cause of God ............................. B.A. 7, 12

          "Guardian under … unerring guidance....... B.A.7 (D.B. 57)

          "(Guardian) He is the expounder of the

                   words of God, D.B.56; ................................... B.A.       7

          "Will succeed the first born of lineal descendants D.B.57; B.A       .7

          "Institution of Guardianship anticipated. ............. D.B.     58

          "Guardian appoint in his own lifetime.. successor_         BA.  8

          "Institution of Guardianship and of the Univ. H. of Just. D.B.         55

          "Institution of Guardianship ...stabilizes.. .safeguards W.O.B.         8

          "The mighty stronghold shall remain impregnable and

          safe thru obedience to him (Guardian) ................. B.A.       7

          "Authority .._B.A.7, 10, 11, 12; ............................. D.B. 65-58

          "Successorship ..Valayat......................................... Ish. (22) 124

          "In this glorious manifestation, there

                    are 24 (guardians) ......................................... A.Q.     67

          "Eldest son...even station of prophethood

                   hath been birth right........................................ D.B.56

     "Guardian appointed.. .his successor lineal

              descendant, BJl.8............................................ D.B. 55-67





"The laws that govern its operation............................ D.B.    64

"Administrative machinery.. serve twofold purpose   B.A.   99-100

"Administrative Order frame-work for Bahá’í Commonwealth         D.B. 60

"Administration.. to be conceived as an instrument. W.O.B. 9

"Institution of Guardianship safeguards its unity  W.O.B .8; D.B.       56

"Twin pillars that support Administrative structure. D.B.    55

"Administrative activities..instruments for propagation of Faith        B.A.  93

"Administrative provisions W.O.B.; .......................... F.C. 9, 10

"Three stage election for House of Justice  .............. B.A.    75

"Guardian is the head of the U.H. of Justice- D.B. 58;     B.A.   10

"Guardian cannot assume right of exclusive legislation.. D.B.   58

"Bahá’í Commonwealth theory and practice D.B.   60

"Trace the sequence of authority ............................... B.N. 37,p.1-2

"Guardian expels a member of H. of J. ..................... B.A.    10

"Relationship of Guardian to Assemblies and individuals

               (B.N.81, p. 5 ............................................... (B.Pr. Sec.l, s. 3

"Correspondence with Guardian  .......................... B.Pr, Sec. 2,s.         20

"Such is the goal ........................................................... U.W.C. 42-44

"Lay foundation of World's Great Peace ................. U.W.C. 32

"Democratic ..Autocratic ..Aristocratic,.................... D .B . 61-62

"Usher in concluding phase..of this glorious Dispensation D.B.   64

"Education in Baha'j Administration..

      is of extreme importance .............................. B .N.86;    p .2-3




"Hands of the Cause of God must be appointed by Guardian B.A.    8

"Obligations.,are to diffuse the Divine Fragrances, to edify the souls of men, to promote learning, to improve the character of all men..and at all times and under all conditions, sanctified and detached from earthly things.. manifest the fear of God by conduct, manners, deeds and their words ....... B.A.  8-9

"Hands of Cause of God under direction of the Guardian B.A. 9,12

"Hands..must be watchful............................................ B.A. 8, 7

"Hands must elect NINE from among number..

              occupied with Guardian.................................. B.A.      8

"These give assent to the one Guardian hath chosen as successor      B.A.  8

"Hands, to show obedience ......................................... D.B.    57




"House of Justice which God hath ordained............. B.A.    10

"Must be elected, by universal suffrage..................... B.A. 10,11

"The Guardian of the Cause of God is its sacred head     B.A.   10

"It enacteth ordinances and regulations ................... B.A.    10


6. (Cont’d.)

          "Means for the establishment of the Supreme H. of J B.A.   36

          "Assemblies, local and national, constitute today

                   the bedrock upon the strength of which the

                   Universal House be established ........... B.A.    54

          "They (members) are the trustees of God among His servants       G.T.  89

          "We..command them to guard and protect the servants,

                    maidservants and children ........................... W.P.   55

          "It may execute that which it deems advisable

                   at the time............................................... Ish.( 57-38)129- 30

          "Verily we have made it (H.J.) an asylum for

                   the poor and needy.......................................... Ish.(37) l29

          "Men of the House of Justice ................................. Ish.(55) 125

          "Elected from all countries ..................................... B.A. 10,11

          "U.H.J. power to enact laws..also to repeal...W.O.B.I F.C.ll;          D.B.57

          "Important and fundamental questions referred to H.J. B.A.          41

          "House of Justice must promote Most Great Peace.  T.W.   28

          "Administrative charge of H. of J....... G.T. 90 7.



          "In all countries, a secondary House of Justice.... B.A.    10

          "Matter of...general interest.. .submit to the national body B.A.     23

          "Committees of the National Assembly................ B.A.    24

          "Its imnadiate purpose is to stimulate, unify, coordinate B.A.          34

          "Direct activities.guard vigilently the

                    Cause..supervise the affairs.......................... B.A.    35

          "N.S.A. elect from among its number...the U. H. of J. B.A.   10,34

          "Need for the centralization of authority B.Pr. Sec .4; S.I B.A.      37

          "Institution of National Assembly B.Pr. ............... Sec .4, s. 10

          "Duties of elected representatives ......................... B.A. 54-56

          "Responsibility of N.S.A.. ................................... B.Pr. Sec .4, s.10

          "Prime requisite for them that take counsel together  B.A.   21-22



          "Local Assemblies provide the firm foundation on which

                   the structure of the Master's Will is to be reared B.A.   52

          "Duties of Spiritual Assemblies............................... B.A. 32-54

          "Measure spiritual attainment of an Assembly.... B.N. 75,p.5

          "Power and initiative vested in believers.............. B.N. 81,p.5

          "Hope the House of Spirituality will become heavenly mirror        T.A.B.           19-20



          "BAHÁ’Í FUND be established  B.Pr. See.4, s.2i B.Pr. Seo.I, s.21

          "Absolute necessity...a Bahá’í Fund be established     B.A.   56

          "Contributions to the fund are to be strictly voluntary B.A. 92



9. (Cont’d.)


          "Sacred obligation of.. .faithful servant of Bahá’u’lláh B.N.80;     p.1-2

          "No pressure..psychological etc ............................. B.N. 67;p.5

          "Maintaining flow of contributions ....................... B.N. 88 P* 1

          "Contribute freely .................................................... B.A.     47

          "Anonymous contributions ..................................... B.N.92, p.15

          "Undeterred by fear of poverty and reliant on

                    bounty of the Source...................................... B.N. 13, p. 1

          "National Fund bedrock on which all other

                    institutions must rest...................................... B.N. 95, p. 1

          "If generously supported.......................................... B.A.     42

          "The supply of funds constitutes...the life-blood .. B.Pr.Seo.l,          s.21

          "Central Fund created by Shoghi Effendi to enable

                   N.S.A. to operate ............................................ B.N. 5, p.5 0.




"Principle business election of...National Spiritual Assembly          B.A.  151

          "Delegates elected by plurality votes Art.VIII; ... B.A.   150

          "Delegates must be voting members of a Bahá’í Com  B.A.  150

          "Fulfill functions of enlightened consultative and

                   cooperative body............................................ B.Pr. Sec .3,        s.2

          "Two unique functions to fulfill: discussion of current

                   Bahá’í matters and election of N.S.A ........ B.Pr. Sec.3,         s.6

          "Freedom of each delegate to take part in discussion B.Pr. Seo.3,          s.8

          "Conduct of business  ......................................... B.Pr. Sec.3, s.8

          "Delegates electing N.S.A. B.N. 22, p.3; .............. B.N.5 p.3   (3)

          "Concerning status, rights and prerogatives.,B.Pr.Sec.3,s.5-6        B.N. 81.p.3




          "This Feast (19 Day Feast) is an organic part of the

                   life of a Bahá’í Community ........................... B.N. 13, p. 8

          "Feast inaugurated by the Báb, ratified by Bahá’u’lláh B.N.         33, p.l

          "19-Day Feast foundation of New World Order.. B.N. 94 (insert) p.3

          "Program of Nineteen-Day Feast.......................... ( B.N. 94 (insert 3)B.Pr.Sec. 2, s.6

          “Words of ‘Abdu’1-Baha on feast..................... B.Pr. Sec. 2, s. 5-6

          "Feasts Program...................................................... B.N. 89. p.3

          "Feasts is foundation for N.W.O. of

                   Bahá’u’lláh             ( B. Pr, Sec. 1, s.b,( ....... B.N. 75, - P,8

          “Whether limited to believers    B.Pr.Seo.l s.6; ... B.N. 42, p.l

          "This Feast is a divine feast .................................... B.N. 53, p.2

          “Regular attendance is incumbent.................... B.H. 94, insert p.5

          “Purpose to enable believers to offer suggestions.       B.N. 94,insert p.3 “Feasts and anniversaries B.Pr. Seo.l, s.6,7.» ......................... B.U. 45,p. 1




          "Is to establish unity..acceptance of station of Bahá’u’lláh B.N.    40p .3

          "Focal Points for of people..     B.N. 59p.l

          "Purpose of Mashriqu'1-Adhkr                               B .A.  174

          "Emphasize the spiritual significance                     B.A.   143

          "Spiritual forces... centering in heart of Mashriqu’l-Adhkar           B.H.W.      10

          "Administration’ s mighty bulwark                         A.M.G.P. 12

          "The completion of super structure..

                   .has forged that mystic chain                        A.M.G.P 25-26

          "Temples are symbols of divine uniting force        P.U.P. 62

          "The accessory institutions                                        B.H.W. 8-9

          "Meditation and prayer in Baha.i Temple             B.H.W.10

          "Pressing claims of                                                    G.A.     19

          "Most important matter today is to establish

                    a Mashriqu’1-Adhkar                                     T.A.B.  17



          "Administrative Order is pattern for N.W.O.        D.B.     52

          "Aim which animates it is .. establishment of N.W.0.     D.B.  65

          "Basic principles of Summer Schools...essentials of adminis. B.N.  79, p.4

"Administrative principles not to be altered

          for sake of any personality                              B.N. 89,p.10

          "The administrative principles are not ends, but instruments          B.N.  89,p.10

          "Rise and establishment of this Administrative Order   D.B.  64

                                                           Refer to B.Pr. Seo.4, s. 5,6,7.

          "The structure of world stability and order            Gl.      219

          "Whatsoever is raised on this foundation               U.W.C. 42-43

          "Responsibility of Bahá’ís                                        B.A.  30-32

          "By sublimity of principles..demonstrate.. .a power

                   that shall weld a disrupted world                    B.A.   122

          "Unfettered freedom, of individual..tempered with

                   mutual consultation and sacrifice                  B.A.     78

          "Inner life..mirror forth.. .those eternal principles B.A.     57

          "Dynamic Love we cherish for Him,                       B.A.     59

          "Rolled up the world,..and spread out a New Order U.W.C.  1, 2

          "Birth of that World Order  ..must signalize the Golden Age          U.W.C.      1, 2

          "Spread out a New Order                                         Gl.      513

          "World»s equilibrium upset thru,.. Now World Order      Gl.  136

          "Serve as a sublimity of their principles        B.A.  122

"Instruction is essential, but without confirmation

          it is void of life                                                   B.N. 93 p.2(3)

          "Unity of Bahá’í CommunityB.N.88, p.2-4       B.Pr. Sec.4, s.5

          "Distinction between Bahá’í Administrative Bodies and others     B..N. 58 p. 1-2

          "Need of believers  ..understanding social  principles

                   and laws of Faith                                              B.N. 79 p.4


A D M I N I S T R A T I V E  O R D E R


13, (Cont’d.)


          "To deepen in the Cause means     B.N.71, p.2;    B.N. 45 p.3 

          "Standard for Bahá’í teachers                                B.N. 92 p.16 

          "Bahá’í progress and achievement is right use of

                    universal principle of consultation                B.N. 84 p.14 

          "No Bahá’í ... can accept full membership in any

                   non-Bahá’í ecclesiastical organization          B.N. 93p.l-2 

          "Public speaking important.. .we should not

                    permit presentation                                         B.N. 64p.4(l)

          "Harm to teach without being firmly grounded in literature B.N.  67 p.4           "This is our dirty, our first obligation                      B.A.    60

          "The structure of world stability and order hath

                   been reared upon,                                             Gl.      219

          "Spirit breathed by Bahá’u’lláh..,can never...

                    exercise an abiding influence until    W.O.B.;         F.C.  7-10

          "Consort with all peoples and kindreds and religions    B.A.  9-10

"Two cardinal principles of Bahá’í Administration:

          authority of N.S.A.....freedom of Convention

          delegates to advise, deliberate,and appoint N.S.A. B.N.         79 p.10

          "The framework of His Administrative Order has been erected-   U.W.C.      8

          "Unity of human race.. implies U.W.C.     43           "Religion is ..means for establishment of order     U.W.C. 26

"To disassociate Administrative principles from spiritual

          and humanitarian teachings                            W.O.B,  5




1.  Why is God the Absolute?

2.  Hew is the Absolute associated -with His creatures?

3.  How is God transcendent?

4.  How is God immanent?

5.  Explain the Oneness of God.

6.  What distinguishes the World of God from other planes?

7.  How is God found in His creatures?

8.  Can God be personified?

9.  What is meant by the essence of God?



1.  What is the Kingdom of God?

2.  What is the World of the Prophets?

3.  What does proceeding thru manifestation mean? 

4.  Does this condition of existence reveal the Essence? 

5.  Of what is this condition a mirror? 

6.  What does this condition reflect to man?

7.  Why is this called the World of Command? 

8.  As a mirror of what is this condition a reflection, or manifestation? 

9.  Why called the Primal Emanation? 

10. Explain how the Word is a collective center. 

11. What do you understand by Primal Will, or Primal Word? 

12. Explain "Only begotten of the Father". 

13. Explain "Primary Mirror", 

14. Explain what is meant by Manifestation of the Essence".

15. What is the reality of the Manifestations? 

16. What is meant by "attaining the presence of God"? 

17. What is, - and how is revealed the Divine Mind? 

18. Give some definitions of the Holy Spirit. 

19. What does man gain through Holy Spirit? 

20. Define the Christ Spirit? 

21. What power is manifested from the World of Command? 

22. Explain "the Word made flesh". 

23. What is meant by "reality of divinity"? 

24. In what way can you apply "Name" to this World of Command?



1.  To what "conditions" is existence limited? 

2,  What are the "worlds of God"? 

3.  What is "Object" of existence?

4,  Did nature evolve before man was created? 

5,  Explain "Oneness of humanity".

6.  How does man mirror God? 

7.  Explain the "universal or world spirit of mm".

8.  How do virtues appear from the reality of man?

9.  Has the will of man to do with the development of his potentialities?

10. What are the two pathways in the world of humanity?

11. Is man always man, even when he appears as an animal?

12. Is mind a natural faculty?

13. What is "essential oneness of the Manifestations"?

14. Explain distinction of the Manifestations.

15. What is the two-fold station of the Manifestations?

16. How can we say the Manifestations are God?

17. What is the sovereignty of the Manifestations?

18. What is purpose of the appearance of the Manifestations ?

19. What is religion? Give three definitions.

20. What is basic foundation of religion?

21. What is Faith? Give three definitions.

22. Is faith a sign of justice?

23. What great bounty does faith give?





24. In what way does service yield benefits?

25. What is divine civilization?

26. What are the three kinds of education?

27. Does mental development draw us near to God? How?

28. In what way are men and women equal?

29. Why should women be educated? And why children?

30. Why should it be necessary to follow divine laws?

31. Give some of the qualities that are necessary to spiritual growth.

32. What advantage is gained thru prayer?

33. How does prayer awaken the "spiritual eye"?

34. What is "attitude of prayer"?

35. Why are some prayers answered and some not?

36. Why is it necessary to pray?

37. How Are REWARD and RETRIBUTION the foundations of order in the world?

38. Does God punish us?

39. What is man’s "tempter", and why?

40. Who are we born again?

41. What is the meaning of eternal life?

42. Is eternal life a natural gift to man?

43. How do you think immortality is connected with Faith?

44. What are we taught about conditions of the souls after death?




1.  Name some of the prophecies relating to Him.

2.  What does "Manifestation in His identity" mean?

3.  Give explanation of "unity and distinction" regarding Manifestations,

4.  Explain what the Greatest Name is?

5.  What two forms of Covenant did Bahá’u’lláh make?

6.  Give some proofs of manifestation of Bahá’u’lláh.

7.  What is Most Great Infallibility, and how applied?

8.  How is He the return of all the Prophets?

9.  Does Bahá’u’lláh end a dispensation? Does He end a cycle?

10. What was the prophetic cycle?

11. How is this the Day of God?

12. What great distinguishing feature has His Revelation?




1.  Give some prophecies regarding Báb from Bible?

2. Who was the Forerunner of the Báb?         -

3. What does Qa'im mean, and who was He?

4. What does Primal Point mean?

5. What does "Point vent round thru every sign" mean?

6. What was twofold, station of the Báb?

7. What were the proofs of His sovereignty?



1.  Some prophecies pointing to Him from the Bible ?

2.  Give His stations as given by Bahá’u’lláh?

3.  What does "Center of the Covenant" mean?

4.  What would you say was His mission?

5.  What was His relation to all of humanity?

6.  What does "Lamp of universal salvation" mean as applied to Him?

7.  Have His writings equal validity with those of Bahá’u’lláh?

8.  What is given in His Will that is a specifically new law or teaching?

9.  Is He the return of Christ?

10. What new institutions did he inaugurate?






1. What is the Source of this Order? 

2. What governs the functions? 

3. What are the twin-pillars or institutions? 

4. How is the Guardianship to be provided for? 

5. What is the authority that will sustain the institutions? 

6. What is the special work of the Guardian? 

7. What are the present various institutions of the Administrative Order? 

8. Define activities of the Guardian and of Universal House of Justice? 

9. How will administrative machinery serve a twofold purpose? `

10.What is the function of the Hands of the Cause?

11.Give a few of duties of the Local Assembly.

12.What should be the inspiring impulse for the delegates and visitors?

13.What two special functions has the Convention?

14.What is the goal of the administrative principles?

15«What is the "Council of nine"?

16.What is the importance of having all Assemblies functioning

          "efficiently, vigorously and harmoniously"?

17.What reason for the local and national Bahá’í Fund?

18.What is one of the "organic parts" of Bahá’í life?

19.Why is it obligatory to attend the 19 Day Feasts?

20.Of what are Temples the symbol?

21.What two principles of procedure are urged in Bahá'í life?

22.What does it mean to "deepen in the Cause?"

23.How can this Revelation claim to be a universal world religion?

24.In what way is this New World Order different from other plans?

25.What form of government does the N.W.O. represent?

26.What is close connection between administrative principles and the spiritual teachings?




          These two quotations from the Persian Bayan (French translation) can be added to the section to which they relate.


P.B. Tome I, p.5 (can be placed at sec. of Bahá’u'lláh)

"It is (the First Will).....

"The eye has seen nothing like it, neither before nor after. It is the Name of the Divinity; it is the Countenance of the Absolute Sovereignty established in the shadow of the Divinity; it is the Name that guides all mankind toward the Kingdom of the all-powerful Oneness of God.


To section of Bab:

P.B. Tone 2.

"The Manifestation of God, to manifest, needs first God, then a Mirror.  And these two are the two stations of the Bab. He is God, in that He is the Mirror of God; in that God is reflected in Him; He is man, because He reflects this Image.”


Corresponding Pages of


The World Order of Baha’u’llah (Book)



The World Order Letters   (Pamphlets)


The World Order of Baha’u’llah (W.O.)

The World Order – Further Considerations (W.O.F.C.)

The Goal of a New World Order (G.O.)

The Golden Age of the Cause of Baha’u’llah        (G.A.)

America and the Most Great Peace     (A.P.)

The Dispensation of Baha’u’llah (D. B.)

The Unfoldment of World Civilization (U.C.)

W. O.   Book

3.             3

4.             4

5.             5

6.             6

7.             7

8.             8

9.             9

10.        10

11.        11

12.        12



3.             15

4.             16

5.             17

6.             18

7.             19

8.             20

9.             21

10.        22

11.        23

12.        24

13.        25

14.        26



9.             29

10.        30

11.        31

12.        32

13.        33

14.        34

15.        35

16.        36

17.        37

18.        38

19.        39

20.        40

21.        41

22.        42

23.        43

24.        44

25.        45

26.        46

27.        47

28.        48


G. A.

3.             51

4.             52

5.             53

6.             54

7.             55

8.             56

9.             57

10.        58

11.        59

12.        60

13.        61

14.        62

15.        63

16.        64

17.        65

18.        66

19.        67

20.        68



3.             71

4.             72

5.             73

6.             74

7.             75

8.             76

9.             77

10.        78

11.        79

12.        80

13.        81

14.        82

15.        83

16.        84

17.        85

18.        86

19.        87

20.        88

21.        89

22.        90

23.        91

24.        92

25.        93

26.        94


5.             97

6.             98

7.             99

8.             100

9.             101

10.        102

11.        103

12.        104

13.        105

14.        106

15.        107

16.        108

17.        109

18.        110

19.        111

20.        112

21.        113

22.        114

23.        115

24.        116

25.        117

26.        118

27.        119

28.        120

29.        121

30.        122

31.        123

32.        124

33.        125

34.        126

35.        127

36.        128

37.        129

38.        130

39.        131

40.        132

41.        133

42.        134

43.        135

44.        136

45.        137

46.        138

47.        139

48.        140

49.        141

50.        142

51.        143

52.        144

53.        145

54.        146

55.        147

56.        148

57.        149

58.        150

59.        151

60.        152

61.        153

62.        154

63.        155

64.        156

65.        157

U. C.

1.             161

2.             162

3.             163

4.             164

5.             165

6.             166

7.             167

8.             168

9.             169

10.        170

11.        171

12.        172

13.        173

14.        174

15.        175

16.        176

17.        177

18.        178

19.        179

20.        180

21.        181

22.        182

23.        183

24.        184

25.        185

26.        186

27.        187

28.        188

29.        189

30.        190

31.        191

32.        192

33.        193

34.        194

35.        195

36.        196

37.        197

38.        198

39.        199

40.        200

41.        201

42.        202

43.        203

44.        204

45.        205

46.        206