Official Site of the Society for Monotheism

Welcome to the official site of the Society for Monotheism. Society for Monotheism is a religious organization whose purpose is to propagate a religion called inclusive monotheism.

Inclusive monotheism is a religion which has the dogma composed by the three pillars, namely, polynity, existence of the god as causa prima, and omnifundatoresism. In comparison between Abrahamic religion (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) and inclusive monotheism, the biggest different point between them is that the former attaches greater importance to identity of belief which believers have, while the latter recommends that each of believers has different belief from others.


What Is Inclusive Monotheism?


"Inclusive monotheism" is the religion which has the dogma constructed by the following three pillars:

1.    polynity.

2.    the existence of god as the causa prima.

3.    omnifundatoresism.


"Polynity" is the following proposition: "more than two gods exist and only one root god exists."


The meaning of "root god" is the god which is not generated and which exists.


The religion which has polynity in the dogma is a monotheism and a polytheism.


The causa prima (the first cause) is an event which has no cause, and which we reach when we go back toward the cause in any sequences of causes and effects.


In inclusive monotheism, it is thought that the causa prima exists.


The causa prima is the root god.


Namely, the causa prima is a god, it exists only one in the world, and all gods except it are entities generated by it.


"Omnifundatoresism" is the following proposition: "everyone can become a founder."

