

Osho Library (also here and here)

In Zen the key word is ‘mindfulness’. In Sufism the key word is ‘heartfulness’. Remember this – it will make it clear where they differ. Zen is against mind, but goes beyond mind through the mind. Sufism is not against the mind, Sufism is completely indifferent to the mind. Sufism is focused on the heart; it simply does not bother about the mind. It believes in heartfulness. Yes, a certain kind of awakening comes to the Sufi too. If we call the Zen-awakening SATORI mind-wakefulness, then we will have to coin a word for the Sufi awakening: ‘heart-wakefulness’. The path of the Sufi is the path of the lover. The path of Zen is the path of the warrior, the samurai.

Mystery of Existence

In Christianity, there is an emphasis on prayer and ethics. In Buddhism, on meditation and mindfulness. In Sufism, on devotion and love. All of these and more is what we can do as a human being. And we are met by grace, by gifts from the larger whole – from ourselves as Big Mind/Heart.

Sufi Yoga

The difference between Yoga and Sufi Yoga is a heartful engagement with the world to restore peace in our surroundings.

Whole Health Therapies

... a state of heartfulness [is] … similar to mindfulness but full of compassion.

Father Thomas Keating
• An interview with Father Thomas Keating (brief
• Garrison Institute

Mindfulness meditation is about consciousness, it emphasizes the mind. Christian contemplative practices emphasize the heart and Heartfulness....

Heartfulness is the cultivation of interior silence in relation to the ultimate reality, what in the Abrahamic traditions is called God. It is a cultivation of spiritual will, the seat of the deepest level of love in the organism. It has roots in Old Testament, going back 3000 years. It is a contemplative tradition, deeply rooted....

... In dialogues I have had with Buddhists, they have the notion of ultimate reality, but their relationship to it is impersonal....

... Contemplative traditions are moving towards the integration of both sides – mindfulness with heartfulness.

Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn
• Coming to Our Senses

In Asian languages [such as Mandarin], the word for ‘mind’ and the word for ‘heart’ are the same word [心].

So when we hear the word ‘mindfulness’, we have to inwardly also hear ‘heartfulness’ in order to grasp it even as a concept, and especially as a way of being.

• World Book Dictionary. 2011.
• World Book, Inc. Chicago, Illinois

heart|ful <<HAHRT fuhl>>, adjective.
1. hearty; cordial.
2. earnest; sincere.

-heart´ful|ly, adverb.
–heart´ful|ness, noun.


heartful + -ness
heartfulness (uncountable)
1. The state or quality of being heartful.


heart + -ful
heartful (plural heartfuls or heartsful)
1. An amount of emotion considered to be present in the heart.
2. 1961, William Edward Burghardt Du Bois, The souls of black folk: essays and sketches How many heartfuls of sorrow shall balance a bushel of wheat?