Pray that your hearts may be cut from yourselves and from the world, that you may be confirmed by the Holy Spirit and filled with the fire of the love of God. The nearer you are to the light, the further you are from the darkness; the nearer you are to heaven, the further you are from the earth; the nearer you are to God, the further you are from the world. You have come here among the first and your reward is great. There are two visits; the first is for a blessing; then ye come and are blest and are sent forth to work in God’s vineyard; the second ye come with music and banners flying, like soldiers in gladness and triumph to receive your reward.
If in times past those who have risen up and gone forth in the Cause of God have been much helped and confirmed by his spirit, even to suffer death for him, how much greater is the flood of life with which ye shall be flooded now! For this is the end and the full revelation, and I say unto you that anyone who will rise up on the Cause of God at this time shall be filled with the spirit of God, and that He will send His hosts from heaven to help you, and that nothing shall be impossible to you if you have faith. and now I give you a commandment which shall be for a covenant between you and Me -- that ye have faith; that your faith be steadfast as a rock that no storms can move, that nothing can disturb, and that it endure through all things even to the end; even should ye hear that your Lord has been crucified, be not shaken in your faith; for I am with you always, whether living or dead, I am with you to the end. As ye have faith so shall your powers and blessings be. This is the balance – this is the balance – this is the balance.
Now the time has come when we must part, but the separation
is only of our bodies; in spirit we are united. Ye are the
lights which shall be diffused; ye are the waves of that sea which
shall spread and overflow the world. Each wave is precious to
me, and my nostrils shall be gladdened by your remembrance.
Another commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another
even as I love you. Great mercy and blessings are promised to
the people of your land, but on one condition; that their hearts
be filled with the fire of love, that they live in perfect harmony
and kindness like one soul in different bodies, like one soul in
different bodies. Never forget this; look at one another with
the eye of perfection; look at me, follow me, be as I am; take no
thought for yourselves or your lives, whether ye eat or whether
ye sleep, whether ye are comfortable, whether ye are well or ill,
whether ye are with friends or foes, whether ye receive praise or
blame; for all these things ye must care not at all. Look at me
and be as I am; ye must die to yourselves and to the world, so ye
shall be born again and enter the kingdom of heaven. Behold the
candle, how it gives light. It weeps its life away drop by drop
in order to give forth its flame of light. The time has come when
we must part, but the separation is only of our bodies; in spirit
we are united forever.