Simraṇ in Some Rādhāsvāmī Satsaṅga
Beās Branches of Sūrat Śābda Yoga
(Satsaṅga, or satsang, is “with truth.”)
The Names of the Five Lords of Consciousness
Paṅca Nāmāḥ (Sanskrit for Five Names)

Jyot (light) Nīrānjan (one  without blemishes)

Ōaṅkār (God or, literally, Auṃ-Maker/Oṃ-Maker), with “kār” as the action

Merriam-Webster’s Encyclopedia of World Religions

Ra-raṃ-kār (distant drummer) or ra-Rām-kār (the possessing, giving or acquiring Rām or black one). Dome traditions use karam-kār/karan-kār (maker of karma), with “kār,” in both cases, as the action

Soʾhaṃ (I am he or  I am that)

Sat (true of ideal) Nām (name)

Ching Hai’s version is Gomtrazan Gwaarla Rarunka Sohuan Satnum.